
Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions Edition 2nd Canadian Edition by Edward P. Sarafino T

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21.  Claudia goes to the university health center complaining of a sore throat and headache.  A blood test reveals that her white blood cell count is high, and a throat culture reveals a streptococcus infection.  Which of the following is true?
a) Claudia’s high white blood cell count is a symptom of illness.
b) Her sore throat is a sign of illness.
c) The results of the blood test and throat culture are signs of illness.
d) Her headache and high white blood count are symptoms of illness.
Answer: c
Section Reference: What is Health?
22.  Common definitions of health include
a) optimal weight and endurance.
b) absence of signs of malfunctioning.
c) absence of subjective symptoms of disease.
d) both b and c.
Answer: d
Section Reference: What is Health?
23.  In his continuum of illness and health, Aaron Antonovsky suggested that
a) wellness and illness are independent concepts.
b)  medical treatment affects only the wellness side of the continuum.
c) his model represents differing health statuses.
d) lifestyle has little impact on health or illness.
Answer: c
Section Reference: An Illness/Wellness Continuum
24.  In discussing the illness and health continuum, Antonovsky emphasizes
a) illness more than health.
b) a revised focus toward what helps people stay healthy.
c)  the psychosocial factors that contribute to illness.
d)  the role of poverty in health care.
Answer: b
Section Reference: An Illness/Wellness Continuum
25.  The term "health", as used by the author of the textbook, is best described as
a)  a positive state of mental, social, and physical well‑being.
b) the absence of illness.
c) the absence of disease risks.
d) lack of a terminal condition.
Answer: a
Section Reference: An Illness/Wellness Continuum
26.  Infectious diseases were:
a)  more frequently fatal in the past than they are now.
b) brought over to North America by European settlers.
c) the greatest threat to American health in the 19th century.
d) all of the above
Answer: d
Section Reference: Illness Today and in the Past
27.  The decline in the death rate from infectious diseases by the end of the 19th
century was largely the result of
a)  the development of antibiotics.
b) advances in medical treatment.
c) changing definitions of disease states in the medical community.
d) preventive measures.
Answer: d
Section Reference: Illness Today and in the Past
28.  A person living in Canada today
a) is more likely to die of a chronic disease than any other cause of mortality.
b)  has a shorter life span than someone who lived in the 19th Century.
c)  is likely to be at high risk of dying of infections.
d)  has an average life expectancy over 90 years.
Answer: a
Section Reference: Illness Today and in the Past
29.  In Canada, the leading cause of death in children and adolescents is
a) chronic illness
b) accidental injury
c) infectious disease
d) suicide
Answer: b
Section Reference: Illness Today and in the Past
30.  Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine"
a) suggested that eating a good diet would promote good health.
b) proposed the humoral theory of illness and wellness.
c) defined health as a balance of humors.
d) all of the above.
Answer: d
Section Reference: Ancient Greece and Rome
31.  A "humor" is a
a) type of emotional response.
b)  spiritual state.
c)  bodily fluid.
d)  all of the above
Answer: c
Section Reference: Ancient Greece and Rome
32.  A main contribution of Galen to knowledge about illness
a) was to discover that illness can be localized in specific parts of the
b) was to reject the humoral theory of Hippocrates.
c) was not appreciated until the 20th century.
d) was to reject the mind/body split.
Answer: a
Section Reference: Ancient Greece and Rome
33.  The position of Rene Descartes on the mind/body problem can best be
described as:
a)  agreeing with both Aquinas and Plato that the mind and body are unitary.
b)  agreeing with Aquinas and disagreeing with Plato that the mind and body are unitary.



