
Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind 4th edition by John T. Cacioppo Test bank

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47. How do cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience differ?
 a. Cognitive neuroscience focuses more on brain structures and function than cognitive psychology.
 b. They do not differ; cognitive neuroscience is just a more modern term for cognitive psychology.
 c. Cognitive neuroscience is based on behaviorism.
 d. Cognitive neuroscience depends on Freudian principles.
48. The field of psychology that seeks to identify the brain structures and functions involved in information processing is called
 a. functionalism.
 b. behavioral neuroscience.
 c. cognitive neuroscience.
 d. behaviorism.
49. You meet a researcher who says they are studying how the hippocampus, a part of the brain in the temporal lobe, is involved in memory for events. This researcher is most likely a
 a. cognitive neuroscientist.
 b. behaviorist
 c. functionalist.
 d. psychoanalyst.
50. How were computers critical to the cognitive revolution in psychology?
 a. They allowed psychologists to develop and test models of mental processes.
 b. They were used in early animal studies.
 c. Computer models were able to replicate Skinner’s results.
 d. They were ignored by behaviorists.
51. Which of the following is a way that a cognitive psychologist's approach to studying short-term memory would differ from a behaviorist's approach?
 a. The cognitive psychologist would measure outward behaviors, and the behaviorist would measure brain activity.
 b. The cognitive psychologist would measure reaction times in humans, and the behaviorist would measure only animal behavior.
 c. The cognitive psychologist would use humanistic psychology to generate theories, and the behaviorist would not.
 d. The cognitive psychologist would be interested in the mental processes involved, and the behaviorist would study on outward behavior.
52. Cognitive psychology emphasizes which of the following ideas?
 a. Internal mental states and mental processing can be studied scientifically.
 b. The computer is a metaphor for the mind.
 c. Behavior is a more viable avenue of study that internal mental states.
 d. That humanistic psychology is essentially correct
53. The psychology perspective focusing on the physical mechanisms underlying behavior is
 a. biological psychology.
 b. cognitive psychology.
 c. social psychology.
 d. Freudian psychology.
54. You meet a researcher who says they are studying how nerve cells in different parts of the brain interact when recalling a memory. This researcher is likely a
 a. social psychologist.
 b. anatomical psychologist.
 c. biological psychologist.
 d. behaviorist.
55. How is evolutionary psychology related to James's concept of functionalism?
 a. Both focus on the evolutionary function of certain behaviors.
 b. Both were rejected by Freudian psychologists.
 c. Most evolutionary psychologists reject functionalism.
 d. Evolutionary psychology grew as a response to weaknesses in functionalism.
56. How would an evolutionary and a biological psychologist differ in explaining findings from research?
 a. The evolutionary psychologist would focus on the evolutionary benefits of the behavior; the biological psychologist would focus on the brain mechanisms involved.
 b. The evolutionary psychologist would explain the brain mechanisms involved as a function of evolution; the biological psychologist would take a functionalist approach.
 c. The evolutionary psychologist would explain the behavior as a response to evolutionary pressures; the biological psychologist would focus on the behavior's goal.
 d. The evolutionary psychologist would focus on natural selection pressures that produce the behavior; the biological psychologist would likely ignore the behavior as it is unrelated to brain mechanisms.



