
Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind 4th edition by John T. Cacioppo Test bank

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 d. by measuring accuracy and reaction time in a memorization task
36. Which of the following explains why behaviorists performed research on animals?
 a. Evolutionary theory suggests parallels between human and animal behavior.
 b. It would be unethical to perform behavioral studies on humans.
 c. Animal brain structures are mostly similar to human brain structures.
 d. They believed uniquely human aspects of cognition could not be studied.
37. You read about an experimenter who studied the salivation response of dogs to items associated with food. Which approach to psychology does this experiment fall under?
 a. behaviorism
 b. functionalism
 c. humanism
 d. Gestalt psychology
38. Ivan Pavlov found that dogs would salivate when they heard a bell signaling that food would soon arrive. This was an example of
 a. classical conditioning.
 b. behaviorism.
 c. structuralism.
 d. Gestalt learning.
39. Which of the following is likely an example of classical conditioning?
 a. You memorize your friend’s phone number.
 b. You go skydiving for the first time, and feel intense fear just before jumping.
 c. Your dog salivates when you are pouring food in the bowl.
 d. You feel hungry whenever you drive past your favorite restaurant.
40. Pavlov and Watson were behaviorists who followed different avenues of research. The common thread between them was
 a. a basis in humanistic psychology.
 b. a basis in cognitive psychology.
 c. the link between environmental cues and behavior.
 d. using the law of effect to explain behavior.
41. Thorndike studied how behaviors followed by positive outcomes become more common over time. He called this finding
 a. the law of effect.
 b. behaviorism.
 c. structural learning.
 d. learning by consequence.
42. horndike studied how cats can become progressively faster escaping a locked box; Pavlov studied how dogs associate a bell sound with upcoming food. What is the crucial difference between these two avenues of research?
 a. Thorndike focused on consequences of behavior, and Pavlov focused on environmental cues
 b. Thorndike was a structuralist, and Pavlov was a behaviorist.
 c. Thorndike was studying behavior not also seen in humans.
 d. Thorndike was studying classical conditioning, and Pavlov was studying cognitive learning.
43.  As a behaviorist, Skinner did not theorize about internal mental states because
 a. he did not believe they existed.
 b. he did not believe mental states could be objectively studied.
 c. rats and pigeons do not have human-like internal mental states.
 d. he did not believe that the technology of his time was precise enough to study internal mental states.
44. The textbook mentions that Skinner's work on behaviorism is used to help smokers quit. Given what you know about Skinner and behaviorism, which approach to quitting smoking best fits Skinner’s model of behaviorism?
 a. using pharmaceuticals like nicotine gum
 b. using psychotherapy
 c. introducing rewards to encourage different behavior.
 d. using introspective techniques to change behavior
45. The field of psychology that studies internal mental processes like thinking, remembering, and problem-solving is
 a. behavioral psychology.
 b. cognitive psychology.
 c. Freudian psychology.
 d. intelligence studies.
46. How do behaviorism and cognitive psychology differ?
 a. Behaviorism studies internal mental states; cognitive psychology does not.
 b. Cognitive psychology studies and theorizes on internal mental states; behaviorism does not.
 c. Cognitive psychology focuses on brain structures; behaviorism does not.
 d. Behaviorism focuses on brain structures; cognitive psychology does not.



