
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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141.  Which of the following situations is at odds with the self-esteem approach to understanding human behavior?
             a.     At first, Jim can’t stand his social psychology course, but he works hard all semester to get a good grade. At the end of the semester, when he evaluates the course, he gives it high marks.
             b.    Susan drives 200 miles to buy a dress that most people would call incredibly ugly. She loves it and can’t wait to wear it to the next party.
             c.     Nguyen studied for years to pursue a career for which she was poorly suited. She works sixty hours a week in the sleet and hot sun. Still, she says that she is thrilled with her job.
             d.    Jorge absolutely hates the camp he is attending. As part of the activities, he had to wear funny hats, and sing silly songs.
             Answer: D
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 13-14
             Topic:  Where Construals Come From: Basic Human Motives
             Skill: Application
142.  Assume that, contrary to research findings, people who undergo a severe initiation to join a group actually like the group less than do people who undergo a mild initiation. If these findings were true, they would provide support for a ________ approach to social influence.
             a.     social cognitive
             b.    self-esteem
             c.     Gestalt
             d.    behaviorist
             Answer: D
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 13-14
             Topic:  Where Construals Come From: Basic Human Motives
             Skill: Conceptual
143.  Research by social psychologists has demonstrated that the more unpleasant the hazing required of initiates to join a group, the more they actually like the group. What do these findings suggest about a behaviorist approach?
             a.     Reinforcers and punishers never work on humans the way they work on other animals.
             b.    The behaviorist approach does not adequately define the terms “reinforcement” and “punishment.”
             c.     Behaviorists overlooked the concept of “superstitious behaviors.”
             d.    Although they can explain much, behaviorists have trouble explaining some social behaviors.
             Answer: D
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 13-14
             Topic:  Where Construals Come From: Basic Human Motives
             Skill: Conceptual
144.  Julie and Tina have a very exclusive club. In order to make new members loyal and really enjoy being part of the club, Julie says new members should be rewarded for their good behaviors in the club. Tina, however, suggests that they use an embarrassing initiation. In this example, Julie is taking a ________ approach, while Tina is taking a ________ approach.
             a.     behaviorist; self-esteem



