
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 15-16
             Topic:  Social Psychology and Social Problems
             Skill: Application
175.  Keeping in mind the authors’ discussion of the misplaced approach to AIDS prevention, which of the ad campaigns below is least likely to work?
             a.     ads that use celebrity athletes to endorse athletic shoes
             b.    ads that show a fried egg and say, “This is your brain on drugs”
             c.     political ads that use humor
             d.    pain reliever ads that use charts and graphs
             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 16
             Topic:  Social Psychology and Social Problems
             Skill: Application
176.  According to your text, one reason why social psychologists study the causes of social behavior is to
             a.     gain political power.
             b.    contribute to the solution of social problems.
             c.     understand psychological disorders.
             d.    comprehend individual differences.
             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 16
             Topic:  Social Psychology and Social Problems
             Skill: Conceptual
177.  The government is putting together an ad campaign to encourage citizens to wash their hands more often during flu season. Based on your knowledge about fundamental motives and the use of denial, which slogan would work the best?
             a.     “Wash your hands, or you WILL get sick.”
             b.    “People who do not wash their hands often are twenty times more likely to contract a serious communicable illness.”
             c.     “Washing your hands only takes a minute, and can keep you well.”
             d.    “I should have washed my hands” shown with a picture of a person in a hospital bed
             Answer: C
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 15-16
             Topic:  Social Psychology and Social Problems
             Skill: Application
178.     What do the fundamental attribution error and the self-fulfilling prophecy have in common?
             a.    We believe something about another person that may not be true.
             b.   We feel worse after we use them.
             c.     They are both social influence tactics.



