
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 5th Edition Gary Dessler test bank

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A) More people are retiring than are entering the job market.

B) One-third of single mothers are not in the labor force.

C) People are living longer because of better health care.

D) Increasing taxes have forced businesses to globalize.

Answer:  A

Explanation:  Many human resource professionals call "the aging workforce" the biggest demographic threat affecting employers. The basic problem is that there aren't enough younger workers to replace the projected number of baby-boom era older workers retiring.

Diff: 3

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management.

Skill:  Concept

59) What are many employers doing to fill openings left by retiring employees?

A) increasing the retirement age

B) offering night shifts

C) hiring more women

D) rehiring retirees

Answer:  D

Explanation:  Many human resource professionals call "the aging workforce" the biggest demographic threat affecting employers. The basic problem is that there aren't enough younger workers to replace the projected number of baby boom-era older workers retiring. Many employers are bringing retirees back (or just trying to keep them from leaving).

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management.

Skill:  Concept



60) According to one study, many U.S. employers are hiring ________ workers due to overall projected workforce shortfalls.

A) full-time

B) traditional

C) foreign

D) white, non-Hispanic

Answer:  C

Explanation:  Demographic trends are posing a challenge for employers in finding and hiring qualified workers due to overall projected workforce shortfalls. Thus, U.S. employers are recruiting skilled foreign professionals to work in the U.S. when qualified American workers are hard to find.

Diff: 3

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management.

Skill:  Concept


61) What term refers to the knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firm's workers?

A) tangible assets

B) human capital

C) human resources

D) intellectual property

Answer:  B

Explanation:  Human capital is the knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firm's workers. In the modern workforce, employment is shifting from manual workers to knowledge workers.

Diff: 1

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management.

Skill:  Concept

62) In today's business environment, what is a firm's main source of profitability and success?

A) technology

B) human capital

C) financial structure

D) creative advertising

Answer:  B

Explanation:  In our knowledge-based economy,". . . the acquisition and development of superior human capital appears essential to firms' profitability and success."

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management.

Skill:  Concept



63) Most modern employers expect HR managers to do all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) hire foreign workers

B) retain retirees

C) recruit the talent they need

D) communicate with shareholders

Answer:  D

Explanation:  Working cooperatively with line managers, human resource managers have long helped employers hire and fire employees, administer benefits, and conduct appraisals. However, trends are occurring in the environment of human resource management that are changing how employers get their human resource management tasks done. These trends include workforce trends, trends in how people work, technological trends, and globalization and economic trends. Communicating with shareholders is not an HR function.

Diff: 3

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management.

Skill:  Concept


64) Which of the following terms refers to workers who hold multiple jobs or are part-time employees?

A) short-term

B) seasonal

C) temporary

D) nontraditional

Answer:  D

Explanation:  There has been a shift to nontraditional workers, which includes those who hold multiple jobs, those who are "contingent" or part-time workers, or those who work in alternative work arrangements. Many others are freelancers or independent contractors hired for specific projects.



