
Microbiology: An Evolving Science 5th Edition by Joan L. Slonczewski test bank

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Name: ___________________________ Class: _________________ Date: __________

chapter 1
Viruses are
 infectious agents that infect exclusively multicellular organisms.

 noncellular particles that take over the metabolism of a cell to generate more virus particles.

 pathogens that replicate in complex growth media.

 cellular particles that belong to the archaea domain.

 microbes that consist of lipid membrane–enclosed genomes.

The analysis of DNA sequences reveals
 the ancient convergence of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

 that prokaryotes and eukaryotes evolved from a common ancestral cell.

 that bacteria share a common ancestor with archaea but not with eukarya.

 that prokaryotes are cells with a nucleus.

 that the genome of Haemophilus influenzae has about 2 billion base pairs.

Which of these groups are considered to be microbes, but NOT considered to be cells?




 filamentous fungi

A microbe is commonly defined as a(n) ________ that requires a microscope to be seen.


 single-cellular prokaryote


 eye of a fruit fly

Which one of the following statements regarding microbial cells is FALSE?
 Microbial cells acquire food, gain energy to build themselves, and respond to environmental change.

 Most single-celled organisms require a microscope to render them visible, but some bacterial cells are large enough to be seen with the naked eye.

 Microbes evolve at slow rates.

 Many microbes form complex multicellular assemblages.

 Viruses are not considered microbial cells.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
 A genome is the total genetic information contained in an organism’s chromosomal DNA.

 If a microbe’s genome includes genes for nitrogenase, that microbe probably can fix nitrogen.

 By comparing DNA sequences of different organisms, we can figure out how closely related they are.

 Fred Sanger developed the first applicable DNA sequencing method.

 Fred Sanger completed the sequences of Haemophilus influenzae.

The first cellular genomes to be sequenced were those of





Which organism can engulf aquatic prey?
 E. coli

 Herpes simplex


 Stentor sp.


The development of the theory of the “RNA world” resulted from the discovery of





Which marine sulfur bacterium can grow to 0.7 mm?
 Thermomargarita namibiensis

 E. coli


 Caulerpa taxifolia

 Varicella zoster

What did van Leeuwenhoek discover using microscopic observations of organisms exposed to beverages?
 Heat does not kill microbes.

 Heat kills microbes.

 Heat does not kill algae.

 Caffeine in coffee kills microbes.

 the existence of spiral-shaped microbes

Tyndall’s spontaneous generation experiments occasionally failed due to
 nutrient chirality.



 lack of oxygen.


When did the discovery of microbes occur?





Robert Koch won the Nobel Prize for his contribution to medical bacteriology regarding
 Escherichia coli.

 Bacillus subtilis.

 Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

 rabies virus.

 smallpox virus.

How did European invaders to North America kill much of the native population?


 smallpox virus

 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

 bubonic plague

Florence Nightingale
 is best known as the founder of professional nursing.

 was the first to use disinfectant to demonstrate the significance of aseptic technique.



