
Microbiology: An Evolving Science 5th Edition by Joan L. Slonczewski test bank

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 demonstrated high death rates among British soldiers during the Crimean War.

 performed the first controlled experiment on the chemical conversion of matter, known today as chemotherapy.

 argued that the environment of early Earth contained mainly reduced compounds.

Who developed the concept of medical statistics?
 Francis Crick

 Florence Nightingale

 Edward Jenner

 Louis Pasteur

 Alexander Fleming

The first person to visualize single-celled microbes was
 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.

 Robert Hooke.

 Louis Pasteur.

 Lady Montagu.

 Edward Jenner.

Semmelweis and Lister noted that many of their patients’ deaths were due to

 Escherichia coli.


 pathogen transmission by doctors.


Microbial endosymbionts
 are relatively rare.

 provide nutrition to host animals, including humans.

 are only found in animals.

 are found in only a few ecosystems.

How does the Winogradsky column differ from Koch’s plate media?
 Koch’s media creates a gradient from oxygen-rich conditions at the surface to highly reduced conditions below.

 The Winogradsky column is used for culturing viruses.

 The Winogradsky column is used for growing extremophiles.

 The Winogradsky column uses the kinds of nutrients that feed humans.

 The bacteria that Winogradsky isolated can grow only on inorganic minerals.

Suppose Pasteur’s swan-necked flasks containing boiled broth became cloudy twenty-four hours after boiling. Which choice could best explain the turbidity or cloudiness in the broth without supporting spontaneous generation?
 Endospores in the broth survived boiling and grew after the broth cooled.

 Contaminating organisms in the broth killed by boiling became alive again after the broth cooled.

 Chemicals in the broth came together to form living organisms.

 The broth allowed light to pass through it with less interference after boiling.

 Solid material in the broth dissolved during boiling.

Which of the following is NOT considered to be an extremophilic condition for bacteria?
 high alkalinity

 high salinity

 high acidity

 high nutrients

 high temperature

The use of agar as a more robust gelling agent in solid media was suggested by
 Robert Koch.

 Ignaz Semmelweis.

 Angelina Hesse.

 Louis Pasteur.

 Richard Petri.

The polymerase chain reaction was used to detect the presence of which of the following?


 human immunodeficiency virus

 rabies virus

 smallpox virus

This is an image of
 Escherichia coli.

 tobacco mosaic virus.




What was the basis for the original smallpox virus vaccine?
 chickenpox virus

 cowpox virus

 rabies virus

 smallpox virus


Penicillin was first used to save the lives of many people during which war?
 the U.S. Civil War

 the Korean War

 the Vietnam War

 World War I

 World War II

Which of the following is TRUE about the growth of animal endosymbionts?
 They are found on the surface of the host.

 They grow in low nutrient environments.

 They reduce iron oxide.

 They grow on inorganic minerals.

 They grow as biofilm.

All of the following are true about penicillin EXCEPT that it
 was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

 was an accidental discovery.

 is produced by a bacterium.

 was the first antibiotic used by humans.

 was purified by Florey and Chain.

Which of the following statements regarding viruses is FALSE?
 Most are too small to be seen by a light microscope.

 They are “filterable agents” that can pass through porcelain filters that have a pore size that blocks microbes.



