
Microbiology: An Evolving Science 5th Edition by Joan L. Slonczewski test bank

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The ultracentrifuge is a high-speed centrifuge ideally suited for separating individual
 cellular proteins and nucleotides.

 microbial cells.

 mold spores.

 secondary metabolites.

 base pairs.

What is the MOST recent evidence suggesting that all life on Earth shares a common ancestry?
How are prokaryotes and eukaryotes different?
How do microbes help in the extraction of minerals?
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek worked as a cloth draper, inspecting the quality of cloth. How did this lead to his interest in microscopy?
What was the major complaint about Lazzaro Spallanzani’s experiment to disprove spontaneous generation, and how did Louis Pasteur’s swan-neck flasks overcome this?
Describe the discoveries of Louis Pasteur while working with the French beer and wine manufacturers in assessing alcohol versus vinegar production during fermentation.
Describe the effects of three microbial diseases that have significantly affected human populations throughout history.
Why did it take so long for humans to determine that microbes cause infectious diseases?
Robert Koch’s postulates have not been used to prove human immunodeficiency virus as the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Why not?
Define “attenuation” and describe some mechanisms used to attenuate pathogens.
What is the significance of the work of Ignaz Semmelweis and Joseph Lister?
Explain what is happening in this illustration.
Explain why the organisms that were studied by Sergei Winogradsky could not be grown on Robert Koch’s plate media containing agar or gelatin.
Is it true that only culturable bacteria contribute to ecology? Explain your answer.
Define the term “endosymbiont” and give an example of an endosymbiotic relationship found in nature.
Give two reasons why microbes have been difficult to classify.
Briefly explain the endosymbiosis theory and the evidence that supports it.
What were Rosalind Franklin’s contributions toward discovering the structure of DNA, and why wasn’t she one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize based on this discovery?
Briefly describe how the ultracentrifuge is used to determine the sizes of cellular macromolecules.
If you want to produce DNA polymerases like those used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for amplification of DNA, from which natural environment would you try to isolate the producers?

Answer Key
chapter 1


















































 Many genomes have now been sequenced, and those sequences are available in databases for comparison. This field is referred to as comparative genomics. Comparisons have revealed that there is a set of core genes shared by all organisms.

 A prokaryote lacks a nucleus and membrane-bounded organelles and has 70S ribosomes, whereas a eukaryote has a nucleus and membrane-bounded organelles and 80S ribosomes.

 Several lithotrophic bacteria help in the rapid oxidation of minerals, which generates strong acids that expedite the breakdown of mineral ore. Currently, approximately 20% of the world’s copper, as well as some uranium and zinc, are produced by bacterial leaching.

 His work introduced him to magnifying lenses. He began the hobby of grinding lenses, ultimately making a microscope that enabled him to observe single-celled microbes.

 Spallanzani’s flasks were plugged so as not to let organisms accidentally enter the boiled medium. Opponents argued that no growth was observed simply due to the lack of oxygen. Pasteur’s swan-neck flasks did not allow organisms to enter the flask but did allow oxygen to enter. Growth was still not observed.



