
Microbiology: An Evolving Science 5th Edition by Joan L. Slonczewski test bank

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 Their genomes could be composed of DNA or RNA.

 They were discovered by Wendell Stanley.

 Some viral particles, when pure enough, can be crystallized.

You have isolated a bacterium that you believe to be the causative agent of a new disease in frogs. How would you test the third of Koch’s postulates?
 Determine the shape of the bacterial cells.

 Inject the bacteria into a healthy frog.

 Isolate the bacterium from a sick frog.

 Show that the bacterium is not present in healthy frogs.

 Grow a pure culture of the bacterium outside the frog.

How did Sergei Winogradsky grow lithotrophs?
 enrichment culture

 organic media

 pure culture


 chain of infection

Organisms that live symbiotically inside a larger organism are known as





The gut microbiome of humans
 allows us to digest cellulose.

 includes thousands of species of microbes that are essential to health and well-being.

 provides fixed nitrogen.

 produces light.

 do not help to regulate the immune system

Carl Woese’s discovery replaced the classification scheme of five kingdoms with a scheme of three





The gene expression machinery of archaea is MOST similar to





In the three-domain model, the bacterial ancestor of mitochondria derives from ancient





Which of the following organelles are thought to be of prokaryotic origin?
 smooth endoplasmic reticulum

 rough endoplasmic reticulum


 chloroplast and mitochondria

 Golgi apparatus

In the three-domain model, the bacterial ancestor of chloroplasts derives from ancient





Which commonly used microbial classification advancement led to the tree proposed by Carl Woese in 1977?
 comparative genomics


 X-ray diffraction

 protein sequencing

 16S rRNA sequencing

Electron microscopes use what to focus the beam of electrons?


 light rays

 X-ray diffraction


Peter Mitchell and Jennifer Moyle proposed the ________ theory of the electron transport chain in the 1960s.



 DNA synthesis

 polymerase chain reaction

The X-ray diffraction studies by which of the following scientists concluded that DNA was a double helix?
 James Watson

 Rosalind Franklin

 Francis Crick

 Maurice Wilkins

 Kary Mullis

What feature of bacteria facilitated the DNA revolution in the 1970s?
 They are very small.

 They readily recombine DNA.

 They have very large genomes.

 All their genes were known.

 They do not cause disease.

This scientist first discovered the process of transformation.
 Francis Crick

 Robert Koch

 Edward Jenner

 Louis Pasteur

 Frederick Griffith

Taq polymerase forms the basis of a technique for
 comparative genomics.

 recombinant DNA.

 X-ray diffraction.

 DNA amplification.

 protein synthesis.

In 1975, scientists held a conference at Asilomar to regulate and restrict the field of
 recombinant DNA.

 comparative genomics.

 DNA sequencing.

 DNA amplification.

 forensic microbiology.

The study of and cause of disease in humans, animals, and plants is called



