
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach 8th Edition by Dee Silverthorn test bank

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
34) A horse runs 10 races, each a mile long, during a 6- month period, and you are interested in determining if the
horse's race finish time changes with experience. Which type of graph would be best to display this
A) line graph B) bar graph C) scatter plot
Answer: A
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
35) A horse runs 10 races, each a mile long, during a 6- month period, and you are interested in determining if the
horse's race finish time changes with experience. What would the labels be for the graph axes?
Answer: The x-axis is race number or date; the y- axis is finish time in minutes.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
36) There are 10 cloned horses, born on the same day, with identical chromosomes. They each follow the same
physical training regimen, but are given daily injections of different concentrations of a particular vitamin. They
all run the same race. Which type of graph would be best to explore a relationship between race finish time and
vitamin dose?
A) scatter plot B) line graph C) bar graph
Answer: A
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
37) There are 10 cloned horses, born on the same day, with identical chromosomes. They each follow the same
physical training regimen, but are given daily injections of different concentrations of a particular vitamin. They
all run the same race. What are the labels for the graph axes?
Answer: The x-axis is vitamin dose; the y- axis is finish time in minutes.
38) What is the difference between a peer-reviewed article and a review article?
Answer: A peer- reviewed article describes original research by one author (or group of authors working together)
that has gone through a screening process in which a panel of qualified scientists evaluate the work. A
review article is a summary (usually a collection of published research that was previously
peer- reviewed, usually from more than one independent lab) that discusses a particular topic in the
39) What is an example of the deconstructionist view of biology?
Answer: The deconstructionist view of biology predicted that once we uncovered the sequence of the human
genome, the inner workings of the human body would be revealed. In reality, it is possible to know
HOW a gene codes for a particular protein without knowing WHY that protein exists. Our knowledge of
the human genome is only a piece of the puzzle.
40) Sahra has just flown around the world in the last 48 hours. She is having trouble sleeping, a condition known as
insomnia. How do you think Sahra's long flights and her insomnia are related to biological rhythms?
Answer: Our sleep-wake cycle is a biological rhythm that lets our body know when it is time to rest. Most likely
Sahra has ignored the signals like sleepiness, changes in body temperature, and mood that her body is
sending. By ignoring these rhythms, she has disrupted the cycle and the body is struggling to maintain
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
41) Why do we need to label the axes of a graph?
Answer: A graph with no axis labels is meaningless–without knowing what trend is being illustrated, there is no
communication of scientific information.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
42) You go outside on a very cold day and you start to shiver because you do not have on the proper clothing. The
act of shivering would represent what step in a response loop?
A) setpoint
B) integrating center
C) sensor
D) response
E) variable
Answer: D
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
43) Explain why the prefix homeo- is used in the term homeostasis. Why do some physiologists prefer the term
homeodynamics over homeostasis?
Answer: The prefix homeo- , meaning like or similar, is used to indicate that the body's internal environment is
maintained within a range of acceptable values rather than a fixed state. Some physiologists argue that
the term homeodynamics better reflects the small but constant changes that continuously take place in the
internal environment, as opposed to homeostasis, which erroneously implies lack of change.
44) Explain why animals are used in research. Are there any limitations to the application of animal data to human
physiology? Could these limitations be addressed using cell or tissue culture, or computer simulations?



