
Organizational Behavior 18th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins test bank

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B) retaining team members who can easily move to another employer when demand for their services changes
C) managing contract and temporary workers
D) maintaining a "virtual office" through the use of computers, interoffice networks, and the Internet
E) managing people who work together but are geographically separated
Answer:  E
Explanation:  Networked organizations allow people to communicate and work together even though they may be thousands of miles apart. Motivating and managing people online requires different techniques than when individuals are physically present in a single location.
LO:  1.6: Identify managers' challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Concept

82) Christopher Richardson works as a graphic designer in Sydney. He often coordinates with colleagues working in Germany. In addition, he interacts with clients across the globe. Which of the following is most likely to facilitate his communications with clients and colleagues?
A) ergonomic cubicle
B) lateral thinking
C) sensemaking
D) systems thinking
E) networked organization
Answer:  E
Explanation:  Networked organizations allow people to communicate and work together even though they may be thousands of miles apart. Motivating and managing people online requires different techniques than when individuals are physically present in a single location.
LO:  1.6: Identify managers' challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Application
83) Which of the following is true regarding work-life balance for a majority of men and women in a recent survey?
A) Work-life balance was more important than money, recognition, and autonomy.
B) Money was cited as more important that work-life balance.
C) Work-life balance was more important than money, but less important than recognition.
D) Work-life balance was more important than recognition and autonomy, but money was cited as the most important.
E) Recognition was cited as the most important, followed by work-life balance, and then money.
Answer:  A
Explanation:  As a result of increased responsibilities in and out of the workplace, employees want jobs that give them flexibility in their work schedules so they can better manage work—life conflicts. Fifty-six percent of men and women in a recent study reported that work—life balance was their definition of career success, more than money, recognition, and autonomy.
LO:  1.6: Identify managers' challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Concept
84) Which of the following is true regarding positive organizational scholarship?
A) It involves monitoring negative practices in organizations and rectifying them.
B) It deals with how employees should analyze weaknesses and convert them into strengths.
C) It studies how organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality, and unlock potential.
D) It dwells on limitations that an organization faces and how it can turn them into opportunities.
E) It involves scrutinizing loopholes in organizational practices and filling gaps in processes.
Answer:  C
Explanation:  Positive organizational scholarships study how organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential. Some key independent variables in positive OB research are engagement, hope, optimism, and resilience in the face of strain.
LO:  1.6: Identify managers' challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
85) ________ is a key independent variable in positive organizational behavior research.
A) Engagement
B) Apathy
C) Despair
D) Constraint
E) Pessimism
Answer:  A
Explanation:  Positive organizational scholarships study how organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential. Some key independent variables in positive OB research are engagement, hope, optimism, and resilience in the face of strain.
LO:  1.6: Identify managers' challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
86) The concept of "reflected best-self" involves ________.
A) focusing on eliminating shortcomings to bring out the best in oneself
B) making employees aware of their weaknesses and rectifying them
C) observing and monitoring drawbacks of a team and then increasing their efficiency with the help of adequate training
D) asking employees to think about when they were at their personal best in order to exploit their strengths



