
Principles of Marketing 18th global edition by Philip T. Kotler Test bank

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79.Nick Rodr gets a loan from the First State Bank of Guthrie to purchase a new refrigerator for his condo. What service that a bank provides is he taking advantage of? 

A. Risky arbitrage services
B. Liquidity services
C. Delegated monitoring services
D. Divisibility of money services
E. Credit services
80.Drew Davis goes to his local bank to get help developing a financial plan and making investment decisions. Which of the more recent services banks offer is Drew taking advantage of? 

A. Getting a consumer loan
B. Getting financial advice
C. Managing cash
D. Getting venture capital services
E. Buying a retirement plan
81.The Bartholemew Bakery receives a lot of payments in cash. They deposit it in their local bank who invests the money in an interest bearing account until it is needed to pay bills. Which of the financial services banks offer, is the Bartholemew bakery taking advantage of? 

A. Getting a consumer loan
B. Getting financial advice
C. Managing cash
D. Getting venture capital services
E. Buying a retirement plan
82.MyWebCast is a new company that makes it easy for individuals to create streaming videos on the Internet to share with friends and family for a small fee. MyWebCast wants to expand their offerings of video streaming services but needs cash to be able to do this. The Second National Bank of Oklahoma City, through a subsidiary, gives them the cash they need for an ownership share in the company. Which of the more recent services that banks offer is MyWebCast taking advantage of? 

A. Getting a consumer loan
B. Getting financial advice
C. Managing cash
D. Getting venture capital services
E. Buying a retirement plan
83.Chandriga Suppiah has opened a Roth IRA with North Carolina State Bank and plans on making regular contributions to this account until she retires. Which of the financial services is Chandriga taking advantage of? 

A. Getting a consumer loan
B. Getting financial advice
C. Managing cash
D. Getting venture capital services
E. Buying a retirement plan
84.The principal functions and services offered by many financial-service firms today include: 

A. lending and investing money.
B. making payments on behalf of customers to facilitate their purchases of goods and services.
C. managing and protecting customers' cash and other property.
D. assisting customers in raising and investing funds profitably.
E. All of the above.
85.Which of the following is considered a depository financial institution? 

A. Mortgage company
B. Private pension funds
C. Savings and Loan associations
D. Money market funds
E. Insurance company
86.Which of the following is not a purpose of bank regulation? 

A. Guarantee minimal profitability of the banking system
B. Provide monetary stability
C. Ensure safety and soundness of banks
D. Provide competitive financial system
E. Protect consumers from abuses of banks
87.During the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the bailout of Bear Stearns reaffirmed the importance of the fundamental principle of: 

A. superior management.
B. globalization.
C. government bailout.
D. regulatory arbitrage.
E. public trust and confidence in the system.
88.Which of the following is an example of a commercial bank? 

A. State and local government retirement funds
B. Foreign banking offices in the United States
C. Finance and mortgage companies
D. Property/casualty and other insurers
E. Mutual funds
89.Which of the following reasons leads to an implication that traditional banking is dying? 

A. Decrease in number of branches



