
Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work 10th edition by Gary Johns Test ba

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Objective:  1.2 Explain the concept of organizational behaviour and describe the goals of the field.


39) The goals of the field of organizational behaviour include predicting, explaining, and ________ behaviour.

Answer:  managing

Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 10

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.2 Explain the concept of organizational behaviour and describe the goals of the field.

40) Knowledge of organizational behaviour will help you understand the use and effectiveness of ________.

Answer:  human resources

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 6

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.2 Explain the concept of organizational behaviour and describe the goals of the field.



41) Describe the main goals of organizational behaviour. Under what conditions can behaviour be controlled?

Answer:  The main goals are to predict, explain, and manage organizational behaviour. Generally, if behaviour can be predicted and explained, it can be controlled or managed.

Diff: 2     Type: ES     Page Ref: 9

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.2 Explain the concept of organizational behaviour and describe the goals of the field.


42) Describe the goals of organizational behaviour and then apply them to an organization that has a turnover problem. How can the goals of organizational behaviour help an organization lower its turnover?

Answer:  The goals of organizational behaviour are predicting, explaining, and managing. If an organization has a turnover problem, it would first want to predict it. For example, they might predict that new employees quit after three months. Then, they would want to be able to explain why new hires quit after three months. The explanation is important because it can imply how the problem can be managed. Explanations might include: the job might be boring and lack challenge, the supervisor might not be providing support, or perhaps new hires are dissatisfied with their pay. Each one of these explanations will require a different approach. Managing it (lowering turnover) might involve making the job more challenging, encouraging supervisors to provide more support, or improving pay.

Diff: 3     Type: ES     Page Ref: 9

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.2 Explain the concept of organizational behaviour and describe the goals of the field.


43) Define and describe the differences and relationship between organizational behaviour and human resources management.

Answer:  Organizational behaviour refers to the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations. Human resources management refers to programs, practices, and systems to acquire, develop, and retain employees in organizations. Human resource practices can be used to help develop positive employee attitudes and behaviours, and organizational behaviour can help to understand the use and effectiveness of different human resources practices.

Diff: 2     Type: ES     Page Ref: 5

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.2 Explain the concept of organizational behaviour and describe the goals of the field.




1) Management is defined as

A) the art of telling people what to do.

B) the art of getting things accomplished through others.

C) the art of getting people to do what you want.

D) the art of controlling employees.

E) the art which prescribes how things get accomplished in organizations.

Answer:  B

Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 10

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.3 Define management and describe what managers do to accomplish goals.


2) Two important managerial tasks are the analysis of problems and taking action to deal with these problems. Analysis is closely related to which goal(s) of the field of organizational behaviour?
