
Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work 10th edition by Gary Johns Test ba

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Answer:  Scientific Management

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 12

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.4 Contrast the classical viewpoint of management with that advocated by the human relations movement.


9) A manager who wants to centralize power at the top of the organization is creating a ________.

Answer:  bureaucracy

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 12

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.4 Contrast the classical viewpoint of management with that advocated by the human relations movement.


10) The ________ illustrated how psychological and social processes affect productivity and work adjustment.

Answer:  Hawthorne studies

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 13

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.4 Contrast the classical viewpoint of management with that advocated by the human relations movement.



11) Describe Max Weber's ideal bureaucracy. Why does the term "bureaucracy" have a negative connotation today?

Answer:  Weber's bureaucracy included a strict chain of command, objective criteria for selection and promotion, a detailed set of rules and regulations, highly specialized jobs, and centralized power. Today, the term has become synonymous with too many rules and regulations, resulting in inflexible behaviour.

Diff: 2     Type: ES     Page Ref: 12

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.4 Contrast the classical viewpoint of management with that advocated by the human relations movement.



1) The contingency approach to management suggests that

A) one management style should work for all individuals.

B) management style makes no difference.

C) management style depends on the demands of the situation.

D) management styles are constantly changing.

E) the best management style depends on the size of the organization.

Answer:  C

Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.


2) When we say that the effectiveness of a particular leadership style is contingent upon certain factors, we mean that

A) this leadership style is effective in all circumstances.

B) this leadership style is almost never effective.

C) the leadership style causes these factors to occur.

D) the effectiveness of the leadership style depends on what these factors are.

E) the leadership style will only emerge if these factors are present.

Answer:  D

Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.


3) Which of the following statements by managers reflects a recognition of contingencies?

A) "We took a real chance building the plant in that location."

B) "Those engineers should get out into the real world once in a while."

C) "If my employees work hard, I'm friendly. If not, I crack down."

D) "I always try to treat the union steward with courtesy."

E) "The customer is always right."

Answer:  C

Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.


4) Which statement reflects a recognition of contingencies?

A) "We pay labourers by the hour and machinists with a piece rate system."

B) "Our aim is to have the best benefits package in the nation."
