
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology 8th Edition by V. Mark Durand Test bank

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*b. Transference
c. Empathy
d. Person-centered therapy
91. Humanistic therapists regard ________ as the single most positive influence in facilitating human growth.
a. therapist interpretation of patient verbalizations
*b. relationships (including the therapeutic relationship)
c. self-esteem
d. intellectual and moral development
92. The systematic development of a scientific approach to psychopathology is represented by
a. humanistic psychology.
b. psychoanalysis.
c. Jungian psychology.
*d. the behavioral model.
93. Which scientist felt that that psychology should not use introspection or other unquantifiable methods and is considered the founder of behaviorism?
a. Edward Titchener
b. B.F. Skinner
*c. John Watson
d. Ivan Pavlov
94. Someone you know has been having a lot of difficulty because of irrational fears. Knowing that you are studying abnormal psychology, this person asks if you know of an effective and well-established treatment. You advise her that ________, based on the mid-20th century work of Joseph Wolpe, is a successful anxiety reduction procedure.
*a. systematic desensitization
b. person centered therapy
c. exorcism
d. aversive conditioning
95. Which well-known behavioral scientist was the author of The Behavior of Organisms (1938)?
a. John Watson
b. Ivan Pavlov
*c. B.F. Skinner
d. Edward L. Thorndike
96. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, based his theories of conditioning on the results of experiments he conducted on
a. humans.
b. pigeons.
c. rats.
*d. dogs.
97. Timmy was severely bitten by a Collie when he was five years old. Now he is afraid of any dog he sees. His fear of dogs is a(n)
a. unconditioned stimulus.
b. unconditioned response.
c. conditioned stimulus.
*d. conditioned response.
98. Mary Cover Jones thought that if fear could be conditioned, perhaps it could also be
a. reinforced.
b. self-actualized.
*c. unlearned or extinguished.
d. repressed.
99. In the process of self-actualizing, emphasized in humanistic psychology, individuals
a. adopt a conditioned response to a variety of stimuli.
b. direct their own course of therapy under the guidance of a counselor.
*c. strive to achieve their highest potential against life’s obstacles.
d. achieve a complete and almost unqualified acceptance of their own dysfunctions.
100. The continual interaction of biological, psychological, and social influences and their effect on behavior is considered
a. sociocultural.
b. psychobiological/biopsychological.
c. systematic.
*d. multidimensional and integrative.
101. A patient arrives in your office with a severe fear of spiders. You treat this patient by gradually introducing her to snake images, snake toys, and eventually live snakes in order to show her that nothing bad happened in the presence of these objects. You are using the therapeutic technique called
a. Cognitive therapy
*b. Systematic desensitization
c. Operant conditioning
d. Multidimensional therapy
102. Skinner coined the term _____________ because behavior operates on the environment and changes it in some way.
a. conjunctive conditioning
b. objective conditioning
*c. operant conditioning
d. reverse conditioning
103. You just adopted a puppy and want to teach it to fetch the newspaper. What approach would B. F. Skinner advise you to take?
a. Punish the puppy each time it does not fetch the paper
*b. Give the puppy a treat each time it gets a little closer to fetching perfectly
c. Give the puppy a treat each time it fetches perfectly and not otherwise
d. Be patient and understand that behavior shaping occurs naturally over developmental stages
104. In the 1990s, the idea that no one influence occurs in isolation has led to the ________________.
a. focus on the biological approach in psychology.
*b. growth of an integrative approach to psychology.
c. decline of interest in the unconscious mind.
d. a movement away from scientific methodology in psychology.
105. Catharsis is a method of “exorcising” demons for religious and psychological purposes.
a. True
*b. False
106. Defense mechanisms are used to reinforce desired behaviors in operant conditioning.



