
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology 8th Edition by V. Mark Durand Test bank

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c. that hypnosis is less effective than mesmerism.
d. the existence of conscious memories.
60. In the classic case of Anna O. in 1895, neurologist Josef Breuer treated her “hysterical” symptoms by using
a. psychoanalysis.
*b. hypnosis.
c. faith healing.
d. the placebo effect.
61. Which of the following is NOT included as part of Freud’s structure of the mind?
a. Id
*b. Psyche
c. Superego
d. Ego
62. In Freudian theory, “libido” and “thanatos” represent the two basic but opposing drives of
*a. life and death.
b. sex and celibacy.
c. good and evil.
d. pleasure and pain.
63. You have just read a newspaper article about a savage rape and murder. You wonder how someone could commit such a horrible crime. Then you recall from your study of Freudian theory that according to Freud, anyone could be a killer or rapist if ________ impulses are not well controlled.
a. egoistic
b. phallic
*c. id
d. mesmeric
64. Although Freud conceptualized the libido as the life energy within the id, many people think of it as the
a. death instinct.
*b. sex drive.
c. conscience.
d. Oedipal conflict.
65. According to psychoanalytic theory, the ________ develops early in life to insure that we can adapt to the demands of the real world while still finding ways to meet our basic needs.
*a. ego
b. superego
c. libido
d. ideal self
66. According to psychoanalytic theory, the id operates on the “pleasure principle,” which means that it
a. pays particular attention to social rules and regulations.
b. thinks in an unemotional, logical, and rational manner.
*c. seeks the goal of maximizing pleasure and eliminating tension or conflicts.
d. utilizes secondary process thinking.
67. Chuckie wanted an ice cream bar before dinner and he thought about going and taking one without permission. However, after thinking about it, he decided to get permission from his mom. Chuckie was operating according to the _______ principle.
a. pleasure
*b. reality
c. moral
d. Oedipal
68. A beginning introductory psychology student is worried about the selfish and sometimes dangerous drives of his id and wonders if it will make him commit crimes. You, a veteran of introductory psychology, respond confidently by telling him not to worry because, according to Freud,
*a. each of us also develops an ego to help us behave more realistically.
b. id fantasies actually reflect the opposite of what you really want and believe.
c. scientists disproved Freud’s theories a long time ago.
d. since id impulses are usually part of the unconsciousness, they do not manifest in real behaviors.
69. According to psychoanalytic theory, the role of the ego involves
a. counteracting the aggressive and sexual drives of the id.
b. maximizing pleasure and reducing tension.
*c. mediating conflict between the id and the superego.
d. utilizing fantasy and primary process thinking.
70. According to psychoanalytic theory, the conflicts between the id and the superego often lead to feelings of
*a. anxiety.
b. desire.
c. depression.
d. anger.
71. According to Freudian theory, anxiety is a signal for the ego to marshal its defense mechanisms, which function as
a. reality-based actions.
*b. unconscious protective processes.
c. conscious efforts to maintain control.
d. primitive emotional responses.
72. All of the following are examples of defense mechanisms according to psychoanalytic theory EXCEPT
*a. adaptation.
b. displacement.
c. repression.
d. projection.
73. In which of the following defense mechanisms does an individual unconsciously block disturbing wishes, thoughts or experiences from awareness?
a. Rationalization
b. Reaction formation
*c. Repression
d. Displacement
74. In which of the following defense mechanisms does an individual falsely attribute his or her own unacceptable feelings, impulses, or thoughts to another person?
a. Denial
*b. Projection
c. Displacement
d. Sublimation
75. Just before leaving work for the day, Theodora received a very poor rating by her supervisor, who had been constantly criticizing her in front of her coworkers. Theodora became very upset with her supervisor, but she needs her job and is powerless to express her feelings. When she got home, her kids ran up to greet her, all talking at once. Theodora responded by yelling, “Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m tired?” According to psychoanalytic theory, this is an example of the defense mechanism known as



