
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology 8th Edition by V. Mark Durand Test bank

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*a. displacement.
b. projection.
c. repression.
d. rationalization.
76. Freud hypothesized that if we did not receive ratification during a stage , an individual’s personality would reflect the stage throughout adult life because the person developed a(n) ___________.
a. collective unconscious.
b. inferiority complex.
c. object relationsip.
*d. fixation.
77. Freud called the anxiety that resulted from unconscious conflicts a ___________________.
a. fixation
*b. neuroses
c. defense mechanism
d. primary process
78. A four-year-old girl sucks her thumb, a teenager binges on food, and an adult woman bites her fingernails. According to the Freudian theory of psychosexual development, all three are fixated at the ________ stage.
*a. oral
b. anal
c. phallic
d. genital
79. The Oedipus complex, the psychosexual conflict that occurs at the phallic stage of development, is characterized by a three- to five-year-old boy who
a. represses his need for genital self-stimulation.
*b. loves his mother but has feelings of anger and envy toward his father.
c. loves his father but has feelings of anger and envy toward his mother.
d. fantasizes about tragic Greek heroes.
80. According to Sigmund Freud, the Electra complex, the psychosexual conflict that occurs at the phallic stage of development in girls, is characterized by
a. castration anxiety.
b. Oedipal conflicts.
*c. penis envy.
d. latency lust.
81. Jung introduced the concept of the ________________________, a wisdom stored deep in individual memories and passed down from generation to generation.
*a. collective unconscious
b. pleasure principle
c. psycho-sexual stages
d. object relations
82. In their theories about human nature, psychoanalysts Carl Jung and Alfred Adler both
a. regarded human nature as possessing many negative qualities.
b. were completely analogous to Freud’s ideas.
c. believed that there were no barriers to the internal and external growth of the individual.
*d. emphasized a strong drive toward individual self-actualization.
83. Severe internal conflicts that produce a lot of anxiety or other emotions can trigger self-defeating defensive processes or symptoms such as
a. acute and posttraumatic stress symptoms.
b. depression or bipolar symptoms.
*c. phobic or obsessive symptoms.
d. suicidal or aggressive symptoms.
84. In Erik Erikson’s theory of lifespan development, an individual reaches the mature stage when he or she is about ________ years old.
a. 55
*b. 65
c. 75
d. 85
85. Which of the following is an accurate statement about “stage” theories of development?
a. In Freudian theory, sexual arousal and interest occur during the latency stage.
*b. In Erikson’s theory, development occurs across the lifespan.
c. In Freudian theory, intrapsychic conflicts are resolved in early childhood.
d. In Adler’s theory, the basic quality of human nature is negative and needs to be controlled.
86. In psychoanalytic psychotherapy, it is important for patients to
a. keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves.
b. make eye contact with the psychoanalyst.
*c. describe the content of their dreams to the analyst.
d. remain in a vertical posture to induce emotional processing.
87. In Freudian therapy, the process of a patient coming to relate to the therapist as much as they did to important figures in their childhood is called
a. the Oedipal complex.
b. castration anxiety.
c. an oral fixation.
*d. transference.
88. Psychodynamic psychotherapy differs from classical (Freudian) psychoanalysis in that it
a. emphasizes the goal of personality reconstruction.
b. requires a long-term commitment on the part of the person being analyzed.
*c. focuses on relationships and interpersonal issues.
d. considers past experiences unimportant.
89. The concepts of “self-actualizing” and “the hierarchy of needs” are most closely associated with the theories of
*a. Abraham Maslow.
b. Carl Rogers.
c. Carl Jung.
d. Melanie Klein.
90. Which of the following is NOT associated with the humanistic theories of Carl Rogers?
a. Unconditional positive regard



