
Biology: Science for Life with Physiology 5th Edition by Colleen Belk Test bank

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D) There is a 95% probability that the true mean is in the reported range.

Answer:  D

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Application/Analysis (Apply/Analyze)

Learning Outcome:  1.8

62) What is a standard probability that is accepted by most researchers as statistical significance?

A) 10%

B) 5%

C) 0.05%

D) 0.01%

Answer:  B

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Comprehension/Application (Understand/Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.8



63) What does statistical analysis of experimental results determine?

A) the amount of bias in the experimental design

B) the likelihood that the results are due to the experimental treatment

C) whether the experiment proves that the hypothesis being tested is correct

D) whether the proper controls were used in the experiment

Answer:  B

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Comprehension/Application (Understand/Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.8


64) When would an experimental result be considered statistically significant?

A) The experiment is double blind.

B) Experimental and control subjects are randomly assigned.

C) The result is unlikely to be due to chance alone.

D) The result supports the hypothesis being tested.

Answer:  C

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Application/Analysis (Apply/Analyze)

Learning Outcome:  1.8


65) What might be the next step if the results from one test of a new drug are found to be statistically significant?

A) The hypothesis is accepted as correct.

B) The hypothesis will be called a theory.

C) The hypothesis is rejected.

D) The hypothesis should be tested again.

Answer:  D

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Application (Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.8


66) Which of the following statements is an example of anecdotal evidence?

A) Dr. Chowdury's research on bowel disorders, which was published in a scientific journal

B) Dr. Jackson's infomercial statement "I believe my personal cure for bowel disorders is more effective than any drug I've ever prescribed in 20 years of practicing medicine."

C) information about side effects on the label of a bowel disorder drug

D) an article on bowel disorders on a medical website

Answer:  B

Section:  1.4

Skill:  Comprehension/Application (Understand/Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.9, 1.10


67) What does it mean to say that experimental results are peer reviewed?

A) The results are analyzed by other scientists before they are published.

B) The results are obtained from double-blind experiments.

C) The results are obtained from experiments with a large sample size.

D) The results are obtained from experiments with a low sampling error.

Answer:  A

Section:  1.4

Skill:  Knowledge/Comprehension (Remember/Understand)

Learning Outcome:  1.9


68) What would a news report on CNN that describes recently published research on a new treatment for colds be an example of?

A) anecdote

B) primary source

C) secondary source

D) peer-reviewed report

Answer:  C

Section:  1.4

Skill:  Knowledge/Comprehension (Remember/Understand)

Learning Outcome:  1.9


69) What would be the most trustworthy source of scientific information?

A) anecdotal evidence
