
Biology: Science for Life with Physiology 5th Edition by Colleen Belk Test bank

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Section:  1.3

Skill:  Application/Analysis (Apply/Analyze)

Learning Outcome:  1.8


54) What does sampling error refer to?

A) the difficulty in accurately measuring results that are incalculable

B) the differences between a group of experimental subjects and the population as a whole

C) the experimental results that do not support the hypothesis being tested

D) the intentional biases on the part of researchers

Answer:  B

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Knowledge/Comprehension (Remember/Understand)

Learning Outcome:  1.8



55) How can sampling error be reduced?

A) by increasing the sample size

B) by performing statistical tests on experimental data

C) by performing double-blind experiments

D) by monitoring changes in the experimental and control groups

Answer:  A

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Application (Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.8


56) In statistics, what is a sample?

A) the mean of a population to be studied

B) a small subgroup of a population to be studied

C) the correlation between the two different experimental factors

D) a range of values with a high probability of containing the true mean

Answer:  B

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Knowledge/Comprehension (Remember/Understand)

Learning Outcome:  1.8

57) What is a statistically significant result?

A) a result that is unlikely due to chance

B) a result that has real-world importance but is not necessarily based on mathematical probability

C) a result that is likely due to chance differences between groups

D) a result that the media can report as valid but scientists must consider unsupported by research

Answer:  A

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Knowledge/Comprehension (Remember/Understand)

Learning Outcome:  1.8


58) When would a large difference between the means of the control and treatment groups be very likely to be statistically significant?

A) only if the hypothesis is false

B) only if the sample size is large

C) only if the experimental result is practically significant

D) only if the experimental result is not practically significant

Answer:  B

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Comprehension/Application (Understand/Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.8



59) What would experimental results with very high statistical significance mean?

A) The hypothesis being tested is correct.

B) The experiment had no bias.

C) The experiment had proper controls.

D) A true difference between treatment and control groups likely exists.

Answer:  D

Section:  1.3

Skill:  Comprehension/Application (Understand/Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.8


60) What would result from an ideal experiment?

A) high sampling error

B) small treatment effect

C) low standard error

D) large confidence interval

Answer:  C

Section:  1.2, 1.3

Skill:  Application (Apply)

Learning Outcome:  1.5, 1.8


61) What does it mean if the reported confidence interval for a population mean is 95%?

A) There is a 5% chance that the results are statistically significant.

B) There is a 95% chance that the results are statistically significant.

C) There is a 5% probability that the true mean is in the reported range.
