
Excellence in Business Communication 12th Edition by John Thill test bank

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Difficulty:  Difficult
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world
74) Which of the following is the best solution to technology-related problems such as inappropriate use of the web and social media in the workplace?
A) forbidding employees to use the web while they are in the office
B) requiring employees to turn off their smartphones when they arrive for work
C) developing clear policies that are evenly enforced
D) rewarding employees who call your attention to those who are using these technologies inappropriately
E) "going green" by removing all electronic devices (except telephones) from the office
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) Inappropriate web use not only distracts employees but also exposes employers to lawsuits for sexual harassment, if inappropriate images are displayed in the workplace. With all of these technologies, the best solution lies in developing and enforcing clear policies for all employees. Many jobs require access to electronic devices like computers and using the Internet.
LO:  1.5: List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world

75) Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other technologies are key elements of the ________, in which information tools can waste as much time as they save.
A) social media conundrum
B) time-space continuum
C) information technology paradox
D) digital efficiency enigma
E) gamification revolution
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) According to the "information technology paradox," information tools can waste as much time as they save. Concerns over inappropriate use of social networking sites, for example, have led many companies to ban employees from accessing them during work hours.
LO:  1.5: List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world
76) Which of the following can hinder effective communication?
A) keeping technology use in perspective
B) using the computer whenever possible
C) guarding against information overload
D) communicating in person
E) avoiding information addiction
Answer:  B
Explanation:  B) To communicate effectively, learn to keep technology in perspective, guard against information overload and information addiction, use technological tools productively, and disengage from the computer frequently to communicate in person.
LO:  1.5: List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world

77) Which of the following best describes the role of technology in the communication process?
A) an aid to interpersonal communication
B) a replacement for face-to-face communication
C) a tool to replace essential skills
D) a source of data to minimize human error
E) a tool to fill the gaps in a skill set
Answer:  A
Explanation:  A) Technology is an aid to interpersonal communication, not a replacement for it. Technology can't think for you or communicate for you, and if you lack some essential skills, technology can't fill in the gaps.
LO:  1.5: List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world
78) Receiving more information than that which can be processed is referred to as
A) gap.
B) information technology paradox.
C) gamification.
D) transparency.
E) information overload.
Answer:  E
Explanation:  E) The overuse or misuse of communication technology can lead to information overload, in which people receive more information than they can effectively process.
LO:  1.5: List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world



