
Excellence in Business Communication 12th Edition by John Thill test bank

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A) BAPD phenomenon
B) BMSP phenomenon
C) BYOD phenomenon
D) BCNU phenomenon
E) BMPD phenomenon
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) Employees want to access company networks and files with their personal smartphones and tablets, both in the office and away from it. This desire underlies the "bring your own device" (BYOD) phenomenon.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world
68) Companies that use the mobile-first approach
A) allow employees to bring their mobile devices to work.
B) design their websites for optimum viewing on smartphones and tablets.
C) control operating costs through telecommuting and other nontraditional work models.
D) ignore traditional standards of grammar, punctuation, and spelling when writing messages.
E) work to minimize device size and increase portability.
Answer:  B
Explanation:  B) As mobile access overtakes computer-based access, some companies now take a mobile-first approach, in which websites are designed for optimum viewing on smartphones and tablets.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world
69) You can help to reduce information overload if you avoid sending unnecessary messages.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:  As a sender, you can reduce information overload by making sure you don't send unnecessary messages.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe best practices in team and interpersonal communication

70) Factors such as poor acoustics and uncomfortable meeting rooms can be annoying, but they don't affect communication.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  Messages can be disrupted by distractions such as extraneous noise, competing messages, and uncomfortable meeting rooms.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe best practices in team and interpersonal communication
71) Messages can be blocked or distorted by filters, any human or technological interventions between the sender and the receiver.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:  Filtering can be both intentional (such as automatically filing incoming messages based on sender or content) or unintentional (such as an overly aggressive spam filter that deletes legitimate emails).
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Critical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  Describe best practices in team and interpersonal communication
72) How can the overuse or misuse of communication technology become a barrier to effective communication?
Answer:  The overuse or misuse of communication technology can lead to information overload, in which people receive more information than they can effectively process.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication

73) The "information technology paradox" refers to
A) widespread confusion over how to utilize email and IM.
B) the idea that technology has cut down interpersonal communication in business.
C) the idea that the use of information technology can waste as much time as it saves.
D) frustration surrounding incompatibility between Apple and Microsoft operating systems.
E) none of the above.
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) Employees that use Twitter, IM, email and other technologies for workplace communication can waste as much time as they save—hence, the "information technology paradox."
LO:  1.5: List four general guidelines for using communication technology effectively.
AACSB:  Information technology



