
Essentials of Biology 6th Edition by Sylvia Mader test bank

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Award: 10.00 points
Community composition
Kevin is studying predator-prey interactions. One day he notices a spider eating a cricket caught in
its web. Later that day, a bird eats the spider. Based on the organisms involved in this study, what
level of organization is he studying?
Communities include more than one population. There are three populations in this study. 
Multiple Choice Community
Section: 01.01

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Award: 10.00 points
Which of the following is true about ecosystems?
nutrients are constantly recycled
producers are a food source for both consumers and decomposers
solar energy is required for photosynthesis
chemicals are constantly recycled
All of the above answers are true.
All of the answers are true statements about ecosystems.
Multiple Choice Ecosystems Section: 01.01

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Award: 10.00 points
Trophic levels V
A pond ecosystem includes small water fleas which feed on submerged aquatic plants. When the
water fleas die, they sink to the bottom of the pond where their dead bodies are broken down with
the help of bacteria. List in order the producer, decomposer, and consumer in this system.
water fleas, bacteria, aquatic plants
aquatic plants, water fleas, bacteria
bacteria, water fleas, aquatic plants
aquatic plants, bacteria, water fleas
bacteria, aquatic plants, water fleas
Plants are producers, water fleas are consumers because they eat other organisms, and
decomposers break down dead and decaying matter.
Multiple Choice Trophic levels V Section: 01.01

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Award: 10.00 points
Experimental design
Male amphibians, including frogs and toads, have been plagued by feminization, deformity,
behavioral abnormalities and sterility. Biologists from the University of Florida investigated whether
reproductive problems among populations of cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) are caused by poisons from
chemicals associated with agriculture. The biologists collected local adult cane toads from more
than 20 different locations. Toads were collected from areas close to agriculture, both large-scale
and small-scale farms, as well as from suburbs that are nonagricultural areas. Which of the following
statements would be the best hypothesis for this study?
rev: 05_26_2020_QC_CS-213887
Amphibian populations are facing problems due to agricultural chemicals.
Toxins are capable of causing diseases and deformities within many amphibian
Toads collected from suburbs had fewer deformities compared to toads collected from
agricultural areas.
Agricultural chemicals can cause deformities and feminization amongst cane toads.
More male toads from the large-scale agricultural areas showed signs of feminization.
A hypothesis is a testable explanation for a natural phenomenon. The hypothesis for this
experiment is that agricultural chemicals can cause deformities and feminization amongst the cane
Multiple Choice Experimental design Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Controlled experiments
Male amphibians, including frogs and toads, have been plagued by feminization, deformity,
behavioral abnormalities and sterility. Biologists from the University of Florida investigated whether
reproductive problems among populations of cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) are caused by poisons from
chemicals associated with agriculture. The biologists collected local adult cane toads from more
than 20 different locations. Toads were collected from areas close to agriculture, both large-scale
and small-scale farms, as well as from suburbs that are nonagricultural areas. Based on this study,
what is the control group?
rev: 05_26_2020_QC_CS-213887
male toads collected from the suburbs
male toads collected from areas near large-scale farms
male toads collected from small-scale farms
male toads collected from all the different sites
female toads that were not collected
The control group is the one group that is not exposed to the experimental variable. If biologists are
investigating the role of agricultural chemicals, toads from nonagricultural areas (suburbs) would be
the control.
Multiple Choice Controlled
Section: 01.03
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