
Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind 4th edition by John T. Cacioppo Test bank

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 c. that in certain cases the psychological model is correct, but in other cases the medical model is correct
 d. that the medical model is only valid in cases where heritability is high
24. The psychological model and the medical model are two views of psychological disorders. What is the best description of how these models are used in current practice?
 a. Most modern psychologists consider both models, depending on the context.
 b. Most modern psychologists prefer the psychological model.
 c. Most modern psychologists prefer the medical model.
 d. Both models have been replaced
25. Which of the following is a common critique of Freud?
 a. He conducted faulty experiments to verify his theories.
 b. He did not treat mental disorders.
 c. He ignored the role of the unconscious mind.
 d. His methods were not scientific.
26. Freud’s approach to psychology emphasizes
 a. the impact of early life experiences and the unconscious mind on behavior.
 b. the relative unimportance of the unconscious mind.
 c. the use of tests of reaction time.
 d. Gestalt psychology
27. The notion that "there are no bad people, only bad societies" is closely tied to which approach to psychology?
 a. Freudian psychology
 b. humanistic psychology
 c. client-centered psychology
 d. cognitive psychology
28. How would a humanistic psychologist explain why a person would commit a crime?
 a. that criminal behavior has a genetic/hereditary component
 b. that criminal behavior is due to differences in brain structure
 c. that criminal behavior is an innate aspect of humans
 d. the person was influenced by negative societal pressures
29. How would Freud have explained why a person commits a crime?
 a. that criminal behavior has a genetic/hereditary component
 b. that criminal behavior is due to differences in brain structure
 c. that criminal behavior is an innate aspect of humans which must be controlled by society
 d. the person was influenced by negative societal pressures
30. Humanistic psychology is a school of thought in which
 a. people are viewed as inherently good.
 b. human behavior is seen on a continuum with animal behavior.
 c. Freud laid down the critical principles.
 d. structuralism is more important than functionalism.
31. Which of the following therapy approaches is classified as following humanistic psychology?
 a. client-centered therapy
 b. Freudian psychoanalysis
 c. cognitive therapy
 d. structuralist therapy
32. Your friend visits a therapist who encourages them to participate actively in their therapy sessions and focus on things that are going right in their lives. This therapist is most likely engaging in
 a. Freudian psychoanalysis.
 b. traditional Gestalt therapy.
 c. client-centered therapy.
 d. functionalist therapy.
33. Abraham Maslow was a humanistic psychologist who broke from Freud's approach by
 a. using longer psychoanalysis sessions.
 b. focusing on what is good, rather than what goes wrong in people's lives.
 c. taking a structuralist approach.
 d. taking a functionalist approach.
34. The defining feature of behaviorism in psychology is
 a. a focus on observable behavior, rather than internal mental states.
 b. tying behavior to brain function.
 c. using therapy to change behavior.
 d. Pavlovian conditioning.
35. Based on your understanding of behaviorism, how would a modern behaviorist be most likely to study memory?
 a. by studying a group of patients with memory disorders
 b. by asking participants to introspect during a memorization task
 c. by measuring brain activity during a memorization task



