
Leadership in Organizations 9th Global edition by Gary A. Yukl test bank

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AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate

41) The ________ result of an influence attempt is whether followers are willing to do what the leader asks, but a(n) ________ effect is how well followers actually perform the assignment.
A) immediate; delayed
B) delayed; immediate
C) follower; leader
D) leader; follower
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Easy
42) When the immediate and delayed effects on the same criterion are inconsistent, the immediate outcome ________.
A) will be positive while the delayed outcome will be even more positive
B) will be negative while the delayed outcome will be positive
C) is likely to be identical to the delayed outcome
D) may be very different from the delayed outcome
Answer:  D
Learning Objective:  Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
43) Which is the most common method used to study leadership effectiveness?
A) descriptions of leader actions and decisions from observation and diaries, and critical incidents
B) examination of social networks within organizations
C) questionnaires filled out by subordinates and other people who interact with the leader
D) experiments in which researchers assess effects of different patterns of leader behavior on group processes and outcomes
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
44) The use of multiple methods for studying leadership ________.
A) is the norm among researchers today
B) tends to be more common than using one familiar, well-accepted method
C) minimizes the limitations of a single method
D) muddles the research results and is therefore ineffective
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate

45) ________ can be content analyzed to identify behavior used by effective and ineffective leaders.
A) Biographies of famous leaders
B) Questionnaires filled out by leaders themselves
C) Videos that show different patterns of leadership behavior
D) Fictional accounts of group behavior
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand the different ways leadership effectiveness is determined.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
46) Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of variables that are relevant for understanding leadership effectiveness?
A) characteristics of leaders
B) characteristics of followers
C) characteristics of industries
D) characteristics of situations
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Easy
47) ________ is an example of the "characteristics of the situation" key variable.
A) Skills and expertise
B) National cultural values
C) Influence tactics
D) Task commitment and effort
Answer:  B
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
48) Confidence and optimism is a characteristic of which key variable(s) in leadership theories?
A) characteristics of the leader
B) characteristics of the followers
C) characteristics of the situation
D) characteristics of both the leader and the followers
Answer:  D
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate

49) Most leadership theories emphasize ________ as the primary basis for explaining effective leadership.
A) one category more than the others
B) two categories, equally
C) two categories, with one featured more prominently,
D) all three categories
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Easy
50) Which of the following is NOT one of the five approaches into which the theories and empirical research reviewed in the text are classified?
A) trait approach



