
Leadership in Organizations 9th Global edition by Gary A. Yukl test bank

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B) organization-level or group-level; dyadic
C) dyadic or organization-level; group-level
D) organization-level or group-level; intra-individual
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate

61) Most leadership theories emphasize the characteristics and actions of the ________.
A) follower without much concern for leader characteristics
B) leader without much concern for follower characteristics
C) follower and the leader equally
D) follower, the leader, and the industry equally
Answer:  B
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Easy
62) ________ describes how followers view a leader's influence on events and outcomes.
A) Empowerment theory
B) Attribution theory
C) The leader substitute theory
D) The emotional contagion theory of charisma
Answer:  B
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
63) Empowerment theory describes how followers view their ability to ________.
A) follow leadership requests and commands
B) influence other followers
C) influence important events
D) manage their own responsibilities
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
64) Sharing of leadership functions among the members of a group are emphasized in which type of theories?
A) leader substitutes
B) empowerment
C) emotional contagion theories of charisma
D) self-managed groups
Answer:  D
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate

65) Theories that focus almost exclusively on either the leader or the follower are ________ than theories that offer a more even-handed explanation.
A) less useful
B) more useful
C) more realistic
D) less inclusive
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
66) Prescriptive theories ________.
A) identify necessary conditions for using a particular type of behavior effectively
B) explain leadership processes
C) describe the typical activities of leaders
D) explain why certain behaviors occur in particular situations
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
67) Which statement regarding descriptive theories is NOT true?
A) They specify what leaders must do to become effective.
B) They describe the typical activities of leaders.
C) They explain why certain behaviors occur in particular situations.
D) They explain leadership processes.
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
68) When a wide discrepancy exists between what leaders typically do and what they should do to be most effective, a prescriptive theory is ________.
A) inapplicable
B) less valuable than a descriptive theory
C) especially useful
D) not the optimal one
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate

69) A theory that explains how leader behavior varies from one situation to another would be described as ________ theory.
A) a prescriptive universal
B) a descriptive universal
C) a prescriptive contingency
D) a descriptive contingency
Answer:  D
Learning Objective:  Understand what aspects of leadership have been studied the most.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
70) Which statement about contingency theories is true?
A) They describe an aspect of leadership that applies to all types of situations.
B) They describe aspects of leadership that apply to some situations but not to others.
C) They can simultaneously be descriptive and prescriptive.
D) They can be descriptive but not prescriptive.



