
Leadership in Organizations 9th Global edition by Gary A. Yukl test bank

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B) behavior approach
C) nature-nurture approach
D) power-influence approach
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Easy
51) The ________ approach emphasizes attributes of leaders such as personality, motives, values, and skills.
A) behavior
B) trait
C) power-influence
D) situational
Answer:  B
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
52) The ________ approach began in the early 1950s after many researchers became discouraged with the ________ approach and began to pay closer attention to what managers actually do on the job.
A) behavior; trait
B) power-influence; situational
C) trait; behavior
D) situational; power-influence
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Easy

53) The most common research method in the behavior approach has been a ________.
A) laboratory experiment
B) field experiment
C) critical incident
D) survey field study
Answer:  D
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
54) In the power-influence approach, power is viewed as ________.
A) valuable only for the degree to which it influences subordinates
B) essential for influencing industry trends
C) important for influencing subordinates as well as peers, superiors, clients, and suppliers
D) secondary to other leader behaviors including tireless energy and penetrating intuition
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
55) Charismatic and transformational leadership ________.
A) emphasize leader and follower values as well as leader behavior
B) highlight the importance of contextual factors that influence leader behavior
C) explain leadership effectiveness in terms of the amount and type of power possessed by a leader
D) emphasize personality, motives, values, and skills
Answer:  A
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
56) Theories of ethical leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership, and spiritual leadership all view leader ________ as the foundation for the leader's goals and behaviors and their impact on followers.
A) behaviors
B) traits
C) values
D) situations
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate

57) Leadership can be described as a(n) ________ process involving leader interaction with one subordinate.
A) intra-individual
B) dyadic
C) group
D) organizational
Answer:  B
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
58) Which is a typical research question for the intra-individual level of conceptualization?
A) How do leaders make decisions about competitive strategy and external initiatives?
B) How is leadership shared in the group or team?
C) How does a leader influence subordinate motivation and task commitment?
D) How are leaders influenced by role expectations and constraint?
Answer:  D
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
59) At which level of conceptualization is the research question, "How leaders influence the shared mental models of team members?"
A) intra-individual
B) dyadic
C) group
D) organization
Answer:  C
Learning Objective:  Understand the major types of leadership theories that have been studied.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty Level:  Moderate
60) As compared to ________ theories of leadership, ________ theories usually provide a better explanation of financial performance by an organization.
A) dyadic or group-level; organization-level



