
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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             c.     how people are unique; how people are similar
             d.    the influence of the situation; individual differences
             Answer: D
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Factual
40.     A personality psychologist would probably explain the suicides at Jonestown by focusing on the
             a.     conformist personality of the cult members.
             b.    power of the leader’s charismatic techniques.
             c.     impact of living in a strange culture.
             d.    situational pressures to conform in the compound.
             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
41.     Which of the following statements most reflects a social psychological point of view?
             a.     I’ll hire Justin to house-sit because he seems like a trustworthy type.
             b.    Sara won the competition because she is a hard-working person.
             c.     Fred offered to help because there was a certain someone watching whom he wanted to impress.
             d.    Janet’s love for Jessica is an unconscious reflection of her childhood idealization of her mother.
             Answer:        C
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: CONCEPTUAL
42.     Thomas is scrupulously honest when it comes to not cheating on his tests and papers, but when a cashier accidentally gives him back too much change, he is likely to keep the extra money. A social psychologist would most likely say that Thomas’s behavior
             a.     reflects an immaturity because of its inconsistency.
             b.    must be responding to factors in the situation that affect his honesty.
             c.     is chaotic and unpredictable.
             d.    reflects his true immoral nature.
             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
43.       By degree of their level of analysis, which of the following reflects the narrowest to broadest focus?
             a.     personality psychology, social psychology, sociology



