
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
32.     “Are some people just better leaders than others?” Such a question about human nature is most likely to be asked by a
             a.     personality psychologist.
             b.    social psychologist.
             c.     philosopher.
             d.    sociologist.
             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
33.     Dr. Levowitz researches the question, “Are some people more aggressive than others?” This type of question is most closely in the realm of
             a.     social psychology.
             b.    social influence.
             c.     personality psychology.
             d.    philosophy.
             Answer: C
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Application
34.       Although the fields of personality psychology and social psychology are related, what distinguishes social psychology from the other?
             a.     It uses rigorous scientific methods; the other does not.
             b.    It examines how social situations impact individual’s lives, whereas the other examines only the individual.
             c.     It examines the individual, whereas the other examines broader societal issues.
             d.    It examines social situations, but not the individuals in them.
             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 6
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
35.       Although the fields of sociology and social psychology are related, what distinguishes social psychology from the other?
             a.     It uses rigorous scientific methods; the other does not.
             b.    It examines how social situations impact individual’s lives, whereas the other examines only the individual.
             c.     It examines the individual in the situation, whereas the other examines broader societal issues.
             d.    It examines social situations, but not the individuals in them.



