
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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             d.    reliant on objective measurement.
             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 3-5
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
16.     How do social psychologists differ from those who rely on common sense or folk wisdom in answering questions about human nature? Social psychologists
             a.     seldom disagree with one another.
             b.    ignore the notion of human consciousness.
             c.     use science to test hypotheses about the social world.
             d.    rely primarily on insight.
             Answer: C
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 3-5
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
17.     According to the authors of your text, when faced with a puzzling social question, it may be tempting to ask people why they behaved as they did. Why is this not always the best way to understand social behavior?
             a.     People almost always lie when they are interviewed.
             b.    People would feel defensive, even when asked benign questions.
             c.     People would not necessarily know why they behaved as they did.
             d.    People would simply answer randomly.
             Answer: C
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 3
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
18.     Jamal was confused by his sister’s relationship with her boyfriend. They just didn’t seem to have anything in common. “Oh well,” Jamal figured, “I guess opposites really do attract.” Jamal’s explanation is an example of
             a.     folk wisdom.
             b.    philosophy.
             c.     sociology.
             d.    social psychology.
             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 4
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Application
19.     Justin isn’t sure if he wants to date Mary, with whom he shares many similarities, or Emma, who is very different from him. His friend says, “Opposites attract,” and advises him to date Emma. But his brother says, “Birds of a feather flock together,” and suggests that he pursue Mary. This best exemplifies that
             a.     folk wisdom is often full of contradictions.



