
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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             c.     common sense
             d.    social influence
            Answer: A
             Difficulty: 1
             Page(s) in Text: 3
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Factual
12.     After the mass suicides related to the cults at Jonestown, people tended to blame the victims and accuse them of being psychologically unstable or deranged. Social psychologists are more likely to explain these mass suicides as being due to
             a.     individual differences, such as antisocial personality.
             b.    mental illness in most of the cult members.
             c.     the social influence of cult leaders.
             d.    the imagined presence of an all-powerful deity.
             Answer: C
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 3
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Conceptual
13.     Spinoza (1663) proposed the idea that when you love someone whom you used to hate, you
             a.     love him or her more strongly than if hatred had not preceded the love.
             b.    love him or her less strongly because hatred preceded the love.
             c.     cannot ever love that person fully.
             d.    will always question the love.
             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 3
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: FACTUAL
14.     Juan thinks that the idea “birds of a feather flock together” has more merit than “opposites attract.” So he designs an experiment to test his hypothesis. Juan is most likely a
             a.     personality psychologist.
             b.    social psychologist.
             c.     sociologist.
             d.    journalist.
             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 3
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Application
15.     Social psychology is set apart from other ways of interpreting social behavior such as folk wisdom or literature because it is
             a.     based on observations of human nature.
             b.    an experimental science.
             c.     a theoretical approach.



