
Essentials of Organizational Behavior 15th edition Published by Stephen P. Robbins test bank

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Diff: 2

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Quest. Category:  Analytical

LO:  1.7 Describe the key employability skills gained from studying OB that are applicable to other majors or future careers.


100) Why are critical thinking and communication two of the several employability skills that apply across majors?

Answer:  Critical thinking helps to define and solve problems. It helps make decisions or form judgments. Communication helps to get your message across—whether it is to inform, instruct, motivate, persuade, or share ideas. Both critical thinking and communication work in diverse contexts and hence are employability skills regardless of the type of jobs.

Diff: 3

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Quest. Category:  Concept

LO:  1.7 Describe the key employability skills gained from studying OB that are applicable to other majors or future careers.



