
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 5th Edition Gary Dessler test bank

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C) developing rules and procedures

D) establishing quality standards

Answer:  C

Explanation:  The planning function of management involves establishing goals and standards, developing rules and procedures, and developing plans and forecasts. The other functions of management are organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept



8) Celeste spends most of her time at work establishing goals for her staff of fifty employees and developing procedures for various tasks. In which function of the management process does Celeste spend most of her time?

A) planning

B) organizing

C) leading

D) staffing

Answer:  A

Explanation:  The planning function of the management process requires managers to establish goals and standards, develop rules and procedures, and develop plans and forecasts. Leading involves motivating staff, while controlling requires a manager to set standards, such as sales quotas. Assigning tasks to employees is an aspect of the organizing function.

Diff: 2

AACSB:  Application of knowledge

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Application


9) John primarily spends his time giving tasks to subordinates and establishing departments. He is performing what function of management?

A) leading

B) planning

C) organizing

D) controlling

Answer:  C

Explanation:  The organizing function of management involves giving each subordinate a specific task, establishing departments, delegating authority to subordinates, establishing channels of authority and communication, and coordinating the work of subordinates. Leading, planning, and controlling are other activities in the management process.

Diff: 2

AACSB:  Application of knowledge

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Application


10) Which function of the management process includes delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication?

A) organizing

B) motivating

C) leading

D) staffing

Answer:  A

Explanation:  The organizing function of the management process includes delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication. The organizing function also includes establishing departments and coordinating the work of subordinates.

Diff: 1

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept


11) Amini, a sales manager with a commercial real estate firm, uses sales quotas to assess the performance of his staff members, and he then develops strategies for corrective action. Which function of the management process is Amini most likely performing?

A) planning

B) staffing

C) controlling

D) organizing

Answer:  C

Explanation:  Setting standards such as sales quotas, quality standards, or production levels are activities involved in the control function of the management process. Checking to see how actual performance compares with these standards and taking corrective action as needed are additional control functions.

Diff: 2

AACSB:  Application of knowledge

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Application



12) Which of the following activities is related to the organizing function of the management process?

A) giving each subordinate a specific task

B) recruiting prospective employees

C) developing rules and procedures

D) establishing quality standards

Answer:  A

Explanation:  Giving subordinates tasks is an aspect of the organizing function. Recruiting employees, developing procedures, and establishing standards are activities related to other management functions.



