
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 5th Edition Gary Dessler test bank

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Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Line managers, not staff managers, are authorized to issue orders down the chain of command. Staff managers have the authority to advise other managers or employees.

Diff: 1

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept

41) In most large firms, human resource managers assist line managers with hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and hiring employees.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  Assisting and advising line managers is the heart of the human resource manager's job. HR assists in hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing employees.

Diff: 1

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept


42) Extensive travel is required of recruiters, compensation managers, and job analysts.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Recruiters will most likely have to travel to interview prospective candidates. Other HR positions such as compensation manager or job analysts are less likely to travel.

Diff: 1

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept


43) Firms of all sizes are required under employment laws to have at least one full-time human resource manager on staff.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Employers usually have about one HR professional per 100 employees. Small firms (say, those with less than 100 employees) generally do not have the critical mass required for a full-time human resource manager.

Diff: 1

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept



44) Corporate HR teams focus on assisting top management in big picture issues such as developing the personnel aspects of a firm's long-term strategic plan.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  Corporate HR groups focus on assisting top management in big picture issues such as developing a firm's long-term strategic plan.

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept

45) An embedded HR unit focuses on using centralized call centers and benefits advisors to provide specialized support.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Shared services HR teams use intranets or centralized call centers to provide managers and employees with specialized support in day-to-day HR activities (such as discipline problems). The embedded HR unit assigns HR generalists to departments to provide the assistance the departments need.

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept


46) A center of expertise might provide specialized advice in areas such as organizational change to all the company's various units.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  Centers of expertise are basically specialized HR consulting firms within the company. For example, one center of expertise might provide specialized advice in areas such as organizational change to all the company's various units.

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.1: Answer the questions, "What is human resource management?" and "Why is knowing HR management concepts and techniques important to any supervisor or manager?"

Skill:  Concept



47) Human resource management is the sole responsibility of human resource managers, so line managers and staff managers rely heavily on HR specialists to hire the best employees.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Human resource management is the responsibility of every manager—not just those in human resources. Throughout every page in the textbook, you'll therefore find an emphasis on practical material that you, as a manager, will need to perform your day-to-day management responsibilities.



