
International Marketing 16th edition by Philip R. Cateora Test bank

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C. No direct foreign marketing
D. Internal marketing
E. Global marketing
At the global marketing stage, companies treat the world, including their home market, as one market. Market segmentation decisions are no longer focused on national borders.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty Level: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 01-06 The progression of becoming a global marketer
Topic: Stages of International Marketing Involvement
77.Ajax Corporation has decided to enter the international marketing arena by marketing its products on a country-by-country basis, with separate marketing strategies for each country. The company is using which of the following concepts to formulate its international policies and strategies?  

A. Domestic market extension concept
B. Multidomestic market concept
C. Mass marketing concept
D. Universal marketing concept
E. Standardized marketing concept
Companies in the multidomestic/international marketing stage are fully committed to and involved in international marketing activities. Such companies seek markets all over the world and sell products that are a result of planned production for markets in various countries.
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 01-06 The progression of becoming a global marketer
Topic: Stages of International Marketing Involvement
78.Regular foreign marketing stage differs from the international marketing stage as companies at the regular foreign marketing stage:  

A. fail to actively seek customers in international markets.
B. market their products in international markets only when there is a surplus in production.
C. fail to represent careful strategic thinking about international expansion.
D. lack permanent productive capacity that is devoted for production of goods and services to be marketed in international markets.
E. focus all their operations and production to service the domestic market needs even though they are interested in foreign markets.
At the level of regular foreign marketing, firms have a permanent productive capacity devoted to the production of goods and services to be marketed in foreign markets. The primary focus of operations and production is to service domestic market needs.
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 01-06 The progression of becoming a global marketer
Topic: Stages of International Marketing Involvement
79.Which of the following is true of firms in the first two stages of international marketing involvement—no direct foreign marketing and infrequent foreign marketing?  

A. They do not begin internationalization at these stages.
B. They take a strategic approach to decision making regarding international expansion.
C. They are more reactive in nature and embark on internationalization without planning.
D. They intend to maintain a continuous market representation in foreign markets.
E. They are a result of dedicated production capacity maintained for foreign markets.
The first two stages of international marketing involvement are more reactive in nature and often do not represent careful strategic thinking about international expansion.
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 01-06 The progression of becoming a global marketer
Topic: Stages of International Marketing Involvement
80.In which of the following stages of international marketing involvement, companies primarily focus all their operations and production to service domestic market needs, even though they have a permanent productive capacity devoted to the production of goods to be marketed in foreign markets?  

A. No direct foreign marketing
B. Infrequent foreign marketing
C. Regular foreign marketing
D. International marketing
E. Global marketing
At this level, the firm has permanent productive capacity devoted to the production of goods and services to be marketed in foreign markets. The primary focus of operations and production is to service domestic market needs.
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 The progression of becoming a global marketer



