
Nester’s Microbiology: A Human Perspective 9th Edition test bank

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B) Examples include Lyme disease and toxic shock syndrome.
C) They may result from a breakdown in sanitation and social order.
D) They are all caused by drug-resistant pathogens.
E) They may result when microbes evolve and develop new characteristics.
17) Lyme disease is an example of a disease that is due to
A) increased interaction between humans and tick-carrying animals.
B) failure to effectively vaccinate children.
C) a mutation in the human genome.
D) climate change leading to a significantly greater mosquito population.
E) an increase in the number of people travelling to Asia and Africa.
18) The outbreak of measles within the last few years is due to
A) mutation of the measles virus.
B) change in the environment.
C) a decline in vaccination of children in the previous years.
D) increase in sensitivity of detection techniques.
E) emergence of novel measles viruses.

19) Which of the statements regarding smallpox is TRUE?
A) Smallpox has been eliminated as a naturally occurring infection in human beings.
B) Smallpox still occasionally occurs in developing countries.
C) Smallpox outbreaks sometimes occur in chimpanzee populations.
D) Smallpox has been eliminated by effective vaccination.
E) Smallpox has been eliminated as a naturally occurring infection in human beings, AND has been eliminated by effective vaccination.
20) Smallpox
A) has occurred in a few countries since 1977.
B) has little potential as a weapon of bioterrorism.
C) has not occurred anywhere in the word since 1977.
D) very seldom kills people, but does scar them.
E) is an emerging infectious disease.
21) Ulcers, previously thought to be caused by stress, are in fact often caused by
A) a bacterial infection.
B) an insufficient diet.
C) a genetic mutation.
D) pathogenic normal microbiota.
E) a viral infection.
22) Bacteria are useful to study because
A) they produce protein in a simpler manner than more complex organisms.
B) they have the same fundamental metabolic and genetic properties as higher organisms.
C) they produce energy in a simpler manner than more complex organisms.
D) they are resistant to all known antibiotics.
E) they produce peptidoglycan in a simpler manner than more complex organisms.
23) Normal microbiota
A) are only found in the digestive tract.
B) protect us from disease by crowding out "bad" invading bacteria.
C) are only found on small select parts of our bodies.
D) always cause disease when growing on our bodies.
E) play no role in our general health.
24) Bacteria are present on the body
A) only during disease-causing infections.
B) at all times.
C) only in certain areas.
D) only after intense exercise.
E) only after using public transport.

25) Bacteria are good research models because they
A) vary in size from microscopic to macroscopic.
B) share many biochemical and physiological properties with more complex organisms.
C) can be assembled into complex multicellular organisms.
D) have complicated growth requirements.
E) develop the same diseases as humans and animals.
26) Select the FALSE statement regarding bacteria.
A) They are found as rods, spheres, or spirals.
B) They reproduce by binary fission.
C) They contain a peptidoglycan cell wall.
D) They are found as single cells.
E) They are never photosynthetic.
27) Which is usually NOT true of archaea?
A) They move using flagella.
B) They reproduce by mitosis.
C) They contain rigid cell walls.
D) They are found as single cells.
E) They are prokaryotes.
28) All of the statements regarding archaea are true EXCEPT
A) they contain peptidoglycan as part of their cell walls.
B) they reproduce by binary fission.
C) they contain rigid cell walls.
D) they are found as single cells.
E) they often grow in extreme environments.
29) An extreme environment in which archaea have been found is
A) oceans.
B) boiling hot springs.
C) marshes.
D) refrigerators.
E) animal digestive tracts.
30) The cell types that lack a membrane-bound nucleus and have rigid cell walls of peptidoglycan are
A) eukaryotes.
B) fungi.
C) bacteria.
D) archaea.
E) protozoa.

31) The prokaryotic domain includes
A) bacteria.
B) archaea.
C) eukarya.
D) bacteria, archaea, AND fungi.
E) bacteria AND archaea.
32) Select the TRUE statement(s) regarding eukaryotes.
A) Eukaryotes are all multicellular organisms AND have a membrane around the DNA.



