
Nester’s Microbiology: A Human Perspective 9th Edition test bank

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B) Eukaryotes have a more complex internal structure than archaea or bacteria.
C) Eukaryotes have a simpler internal structure than archaea or bacteria AND have a membrane around the DNA.
D) Eukaryotes have a membrane around the DNA.
E) Eukaryotes have a more complex internal structure than archaea or bacteria AND have a membrane around the DNA.
33) Which group(s) below contain single-celled and multicellular organisms?
A) Algae AND bacteria
B) Fungi AND archaea
C) Protozoa AND bacteria
D) Algae AND fungi
E) Fungi AND protozoa
34) All living organisms 
A) may be classified in four domains.
B) may be classified in three domains.
C) probably do not have a common ancestor.
D) have never shared genes between domains.
E) are capable of causing disease.
35) The system by which organisms are named is referred to as
A) systematics.
B) naming.
C) nomenclature.
D) cladistics.
E) bioinformatics.
36) The scientific name of an organism includes its
A) family and genus.
B) first name and last name.
C) genus and species.
D) domain and genus.
E) domain and species.

37) Which is/are the correctly written name?
A) Staphylococcus aureus
B) Staphylococcus a.
C) St. aureus
D) staph
E) Staphylococcus Aureus
38) Which of these may pertain to the term strain?
A) E. coli 0157:H7
B) E. coli
C) Minor variation of a species
D) Major variation of a species
E) E. coli 0157:H7 AND minor variation of a species
39) Select the statement that is TRUE regarding viroids.
A) They are naked (lacking a protein shell) pieces of RNA.
B) They are naked (lacking a protein shell) pieces of DNA.
C) They are known to cause neurodegenerative diseases in animals.
D) They are composed of protein encasing DNA.
E) They are composed of both RNA and DNA within a lipid coat.
40) Outside a cell, viruses are
A) running a small number of biochemical reactions.
B) synthesizing proteins necessary for entry into the host.
C) inert, and not capable of replication.
D) constructing a cell membrane known as an envelope.
E) capable of some replication.
41) Viruses may only be grown
A) in sterile growth media.
B) in living cells.
C) at body temperature.
D) in darkness.
E) in liquid broths.
42) Viruses are in the domain(s)
A) viridae.
B) eukarya.
C) archaea AND bacteria.
D) bacteria AND viridae.
E) None of the answer choices is correct.

43) Viruses
A) are obligate intracellular parasites.
B) are single-celled organisms.
C) consist of only proteins.
D) are in the domain Archaea.
E) consist only of DNA or RNA.
44) What do viruses, viroids, and prions all have in common?
A) They contain only RNA.
B) They are acellular agents of disease.
C) They contain only DNA.
D) They infect only animals.
E) They cause neurodegenerative diseases.
45) Both viruses and viroids are
A) capable of independent reproduction.
B) obligate intracellular parasites.
C) members of the domain Bacteria.
D) larger than most bacteria in size.
E) agents that cause disease in animals.
46) Prions
A) are only composed of RNA.
B) are only composed of DNA.
C) are only composed of protein.
D) cause diseases in plants.
E) are only composed of RNA and DNA.
47) A new organism was found that was unicellular and 1 cm long. The "large" size of this organism alone would
A) mean that it could not be a bacterium.
B) mean that it must be a protozoan.
C) not be useful in identification.
D) mean that it had to be in the domain Eukarya.
E) suggest that it is a virus.
48) Although it is said that the twentieth century was the Age of Physics, it is predicted that the twenty-first century will be the age of
A) chemistry.
B) computers.
C) microbial biodiversity.
D) mathematics.
E) psychology.
49) Spontaneous generation refers to the idea that organisms came from other organisms.
50) The human body only contains bacteria during illness.
51) Bacteria and eukarya both contain membrane-bound organelles.
52) The scientific name of an organism indicates its domain.
53) Viroids are naked (lacking a protein shell) pieces of RNA that infect plants.
54) Viruses simultaneously contain DNA, RNA, and protein.
55) Viruses, viroids, and prions are obligate intracellular agents.
56) Viruses and bacteria are both based on the unit of a cell.



