
Managing Performance through Training and Development 8th test bank

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the potential for improvement in job performance


61. Identify and briefly describe the three steps in the instructional systems design (ISD) model. Why is it important that organizations apply these three steps when contemplating launching training programs?
The instructional systems design model consists of a needs analysis, training design and delivery, and training evaluation. The needs analysis determines the nature of the problem and if training is the solution. It includes an organizational analysis, a job/task analysis, and a person analysis. If training is the solution to the performance problem, then a training program is designed and delivered based on what was learned from the needs analysis and the training objectives. Finally, a training evaluation is conducted to determine if the training objectives were met, and if the problem was solved. Ultimately, these three steps increase the likelihood that performance gaps are closed, and programs address needed improvements in skills, knowledge, and abilities resulting in positive outcomes for the organization and employees.

62. Differentiate between the terms training and development.
Training usually consists of a short-term focus on acquiring skills to perform one’s current job. Development refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform future job responsibilities and in the long-term achievement of career goals and organizational objectives. Development is, in most cases, “long term focused,” including different interventions/methods including seminars and job rotations.

63. Identify and briefly describe three organizational benefits of training and development, providing an example for each.
(1) Organizational strategy. Training can help organizations achieve their strategic goals. For example, if improving customer satisfaction is a goal, then providing customer service training will be important. (2) Increased organizational effectiveness. Trained employees do more work, make fewer errors, require less supervision, have higher loyalty and morale, and have lower rates of attrition. (3) Employee recruitment, engagement, and retention. For example, employees who receive relevant training are more likely to be attracted to an organization, to be engaged, and less likely to move to another company.

64. Describe the factors that influence high-performance work systems (HPWS).
Environmental factors such as legislation, economic climate including the labour market and competition, demographics, social values, and technology. Organizational factors such as goals, values, strategy, structure, culture, and leadership.

65. Define and explain the term strategic human resources management (SHRM).
Strategic human resources management is the alignment of human resource practices with an organization’s business strategy. It means that whether an organization has a strategy for quality, innovation, or customer service, training as well as other human resource practices must be designed to reinforce and support the strategy.

66. You are a training specialist working for the Edmonton Police Service. Your boss asks you to develop evaluation criteria for the “mental health training program.” Using the Edmonton Police Service vignette in the textbook, what would you likely use as criteria for evaluating the program?
The vignette specifically mentions several outcomes, including decreases in the usage of force by the police officers, ability to recognize mental health issues, verbal communication skills, and ability to de-escalate potential violent situations and decrease time per call.
Students may also come up with other variables associated with having a police force that is able to effectively deal with mental health calls.

67. Chapter 1 of the textbook introduces the reader to the ISD model and identifies three distinct yet interrelated steps. All of these activities are likely to have some element of cost associated with their execution. Which of those three steps would you suggest to be the most difficult to justify to senior management? (Assume you need budget approval.)
This question allows students to demonstrate their ability to apply the ISD model to a real-world project requiring management approval. Issues of budget, time, and competencies of training departments/managers may be raised. The needs analysis and training evaluation may be the two steps in the ISD model that require the greatest level of education of senior management. Often, human resource departments are more concerned with justifying their value by focusing on “getting to the business of training” and less concerned about conducting a needs analysis and training evaluation.



