
Business Communication Essentials 5th Canadian Edition by Courtland L Bovee test bank

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94) In order to use communication technology effectively, avoid subscribing to too many blog feeds, Twitter follows, and other sources of recurring messages.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 1     Type: TF     Page Ref: 23
Objective:  1-7
95) The availability of cutting-edge videoconferencing technology and IM has rendered face-to-face interaction obsolete and unnecessary.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 1     Type: TF     Page Ref: 28
Objective:  1-7
96) Companies that communicate well significantly ________ those that communicate poorly.
Answer:  outperform
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 4
Objective:  1-1
97) An ________ approach to communication focuses on understanding and meeting the needs of the recipient of a message.
Answer:  audience-centred
Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 8
Objective:  1-2
98) The ________ of a message refers to the form a message takes and the channel is the system used to deliver the message.
Answer:  medium
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 10
Objective:  1-3
99) The ________ model is primarily defined by a broadcasting or publishing mindset.
Answer:  social communication
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 10
Objective:  1-3
100) Social communication is bidirectional and tends to have high message ________.
Answer:  frequency
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 11
Objective:  1-3

101) Given its several advantages, some companies today have shifted to the ________ model for their communication needs.
Answer:  social communications
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 11
Objective:  1-3
102) The ________model of communication is interactive, conversational, and generally open to anyone who wishes to participate.
Answer:  social communication
Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 9
Objective:  1-3
103) A Smartwatch is a ________ technological device because it is worn on a person's wrist.
Answer:  wearable
Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 12
Objective:  1-4
104) It is ________ to omit essential information from a communication.
Answer:  unethical
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 15
Objective:  10-5
105) An ethical ________ can involve choosing between two conflicting alternatives that are both ethical and valid.
Answer:  dilemma
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 16
Objective:  1-5
106) When making decisions, you must consider whether a decision that seems ethical now will seem ________ in the future.
Answer:  unethical
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 15
Objective:  1-5
107) In ________-context cultures, the rules of everyday life are stated explicitly.
Answer:  low
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 18
Objective:  1-6
108) ________-context cultures put less emphasis on the written word and consider personal pledges more important than contracts.
Answer:  High
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 18
Objective:  1-6

109) The availability of cutting-edge ________ technology and IM has replaced some face-to-face interactions.
Answer:  videoconferencing
Diff: 1     Type: SA     Page Ref: 24
Objective:  1-7
110) List at least five benefits that effective communication delivers to businesses.
Answer:  Effective communication provides:
Closer ties with important communities in the marketplace
Opportunities to influence conversations, perceptions, and trends
Ability to "humanize" otherwise impersonal business organizations
Faster problem solving
Stronger decision making
Increased productivity
Steadier workflow
Diff: 2     Type: ES     Page Ref: 4
Objective:  1-1
111) What makes business communication effective?
Answer:  Effective messages are practical, factual, concise, clear, and persuasive; they



