
Organizational Behaviour Understanding and Managing Life at Work 9th edition by Gary Johns Test bank

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165) It has been reported that only one-third of workers are engaged.
Diff: 2
Page Reference: 23
Skill: Recall
Objective: 1.7 Describe the societal and global trends that are shaping contemporary management concerns.
166) What is an organization? Apply your definition to a non-profit organization as an example.
An organization is a social invention for accomplishing common goals through group effort. Non-profit organizations may include hospitals, schools, churches and charities. The goal of a charity may be to help the needy through the group effort of many volunteers.
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 4
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.1 Define "organizations" and describe their basic characteristics.
167) Describe the main goals of organizational behaviour. Under what conditions can behaviour be controlled?
The main goals are to predict, explain, and manage organizational behaviour. Generally, if behaviour can be predicted and explained, it can be controlled or managed.
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 10
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.2 Explain the concept of "organizational behaviour" and describe the goals of the field.
168) Describe Max Weber's ideal bureaucracy. Why does the term "bureaucracy" have a negative connotation today?
Weber's bureaucracy included a strict chain of command, objective criteria for selection and promotion, a detailed set of rules and regulations, highly specialized jobs, and centralized power. Today, the term has become synonymous with too many rules and regulations, resulting in inflexible behaviour.
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 13
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.4 Contrast the "classical viewpoint" of management with that which the "human relations movement" advocated.
169) What is the contingency approach to management? Explain how a manager should decide the best way to lead a group of employees using the contingency approach to management.
The contingency approach recognizes that there is no one best way to manage, and that an appropriate management style depends on the demands of the situation. The manager, therefore, has to take into consideration the characteristics of the employees (e.g., do they respond better to direction or participation) as well as the nature of the situation or task and what the group is trying to achieve (e.g., is it straightforward and routine or novel and complex). In other words, the management style will vary for different groups, in different situations, and for different tasks.
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 14
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.5 Describe the "contemporary contingency approach" to management.
170) Describe the managerial informational roles identified by Mintzberg and give an example of each.
Monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. Examples will vary, but note that the example for disseminator should relate to internal communication, while that for spokesperson should be external.
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Reference: 16
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.6 Explain what managers do—their roles, activities, agendas for action, and thought processes.
171) Describe the managerial decisional roles identified by Mintzberg and give an example of each.
Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. Examples will vary.
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Reference: 16
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.6 Explain what managers do—their roles, activities, agendas for action, and thought processes.
172) According to Luthans, Hodgetts, and Rosenkrantz, what are the four main types of managerial activities? Provide a specific example of each activity.
Routine communication (e.g., memos and paperwork), traditional management (e.g., planning, decision making, and controlling), networking (e.g., meetings and social events with people both inside and outside the organization), and human resource management (e.g., motivating, disciplining, and training staff).
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 16
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.6 Explain what managers do—their roles, activities, agendas for action, and thought processes.
173) According to Luthans, Hodgetts, and Rosenkrantz, which activities were highly correlated with managerial success?
It depends on how you define "managerial success." Networking is important for gaining rapid promotions in organizations, while human resource management is relatively more important for obtaining employee commitment and satisfaction.



