
Organizational Behaviour Understanding and Managing Life at Work 9th edition by Gary Johns Test bank

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Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Reference: 16
Skill: Recall
Objective: 1.6 Explain what managers do—their roles, activities, agendas for action, and thought processes.
174) Comment on the following statement: "Intuition results in random and often irrational decisions, and therefore, it should not be used by managers."
Simon, Isenberg, and most modern management theorists would disagree. For the experienced manager, good intuition in problem solving is often based on years of systematic education and experience, which enable the manager to quickly locate problems within a network of previously acquired information.
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Reference: 18
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.6 Explain what managers do—their roles, activities, agendas for action, and thought processes.
175) Explain why "diversity" has become an important management issue in the modern workplace.
Changing demographics and the globalization of business are resulting in increasingly diverse labour forces and customer markets.
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 19
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.7 Describe the societal and global trends that are shaping contemporary management concerns.
176) What is psychological capital and what does it have to do with organizational behaviour?
Psychological capital refers to an individual’s positive psychological state of development that is characterized by self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. Each state can be changed, modified, and developed. Research has shown that PsyCap is positively related to psychological well-being as well as more positive job attitudes, behaviours, and job performance and negatively related to undesirable attitudes and behaviours. Organizational behaviour is concerned with creating a positive work environment and employee well-being, and one way of doing this is to develop employees’ PsyCap which can be done through the use of PsyCap interventions.
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 22
Skill: Recall
Objective: 1.7 Describe the societal and global trends that are shaping contemporary management.
177) Explain why employee recruitment and retention has become an important management concern and what it has to do with organizational behaviour.
Organizations are facing severe shortages of labour in the coming years due to a number of factors such as the retirement of the baby boomers, fewer Canadians entering skilled trades, and the willingness of knowledge workers to relocate anywhere in the world. Talent management refers to an organization’s processes for attracting, developing, retaining, and utilizing people with the required skills to meet current and future business needs.  These are issues that are also associated with organizational behaviour. Organizational behaviour provides the means for organizations to be designed and managed in ways that optimize the attraction, development, retention, engagement, and performance of talent.
Diff: 2
Type: ES
Page Reference: 22
Skill: Recall
Objective: 1.7 Describe the societal and global trends that are shaping contemporary management.
178) Explain what evidence-based management involves and give an example.
Evidence-based management involves translating principles based on the best scientific evidence into organizational practices. An example: The director of a health care system recalls the principle that human beings can process only a limited amount of information. And, thus, he works on redesigning a feedback system that provides feedback on a small set of critical performance indicators using terms people readily understand.
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Reference: 11
Skill: Applied
Objective: 1.3 Define "management" and describe what managers do to accomplish goals.
179) Describe the goals of organizational behaviour and then apply them to an organization that has a turnover problem. How can the goals of organizational behaviour help an organization lower its turnover?
The goals of organizational behaviour are predicting, explaining, and managing. If an organization has a turnover problem, it would first want to predict it. For example, they might predict that new employees quit after three months. Then, they would want to be able to explain why new hires quit after three months. The explanation is important because it can imply how the problem can be  managed. Explanations might include: the job might be boring and lack challenge, the supervisor might not be providing support, or perhaps new hires are dissatisfied with their pay. Each one of these explanations will require a different approach. Managing it (lowering turnover) might involve making the job more challenging, encouraging supervisors to provide more support, or improving pay.



