
Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work 10th edition by Gary Johns Test ba

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C) "Customer Service is Job 1."

D) "After months of study we finally decided to go with a state-of-the-art management information system."

E) "Our company policies ensure that every employee is treated equitably."

Answer:  A

Diff: 3     Type: MC     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.

5) When I say that my management style is contingent upon the tasks my employees are performing, I mean that

A) I always use the same management style.

B) my management style affects the tasks they choose to perform.

C) the type of task determines my management style.

D) I treat all employees as equals.

E) my management style is only effective if certain tasks are performed.

Answer:  C

Diff: 2     Type: MC     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.


6) When we say that organizational behaviour involves contingencies, we mean that the occurrence of organizational behaviour depends on the presence or absence of other factors.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 2     Type: TF     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.


7) The contingency approach to management focuses on systematic improvement in the quality of an organization's products.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 2     Type: TF     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.


8) When we say that rewards should be contingent on the needs of the worker, we mean that workers with different needs may require different rewards.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 2     Type: TF     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.



9) If the absenteeism rate of the organization depends on the season, we can also say that the absenteeism rate is ________ upon the season.

Answer:  contingent

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.


10) If the proper leadership style is contingent upon the experience of the employees, this means that it ________ the employees' experience.

Answer:  depends upon

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.

11) What is the contingency approach to management? Explain how a manager should decide the best way to lead a group of employees using the contingency approach to management.

Answer:  The contingency approach recognizes that there is no one best way to manage, and that an appropriate management style depends on the demands of the situation. The manager, therefore, has to take into consideration the characteristics of the employees (e.g., do they respond better to direction or participation) as well as the nature of the situation or task and what the group is trying to achieve (e.g., is it straightforward and routine or novel and complex). In other words, the management style will vary for different groups, in different situations, and for different tasks.

Diff: 2     Type: ES     Page Ref: 14

Skill:  Applied

Objective:  1.5 Describe the contingency approach to management.




1) A Mintzberg managerial role is
