
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology 8th Edition by V. Mark Durand Test bank

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*a. episodic
b. acute
c. cyclic
d. insidious
15. If a psychological disorder is said to have an acute onset, it means that the symptoms developed
*a. suddenly.
b. atypically.
c. gradually.
d. following a period of recovery.
16. When 20-year-old Ariel was first diagnosed with schizophrenia, her family wanted to know if and how the disorder would progress and how it would affect her in the future. In medical terms, the family wanted to know Ariel’s
a. diagnosis.
*b. prognosis.
c. pathophysiology.
d. disease etiology.
17. Etiology is:
a. The study of the biological effects of disorders on society.
*b. The study of the origins of disorders.
c. The study of the impact of disorder on language use.
d. The study of the prevalence of disorders.
18. At various times in history, in an attempt to explain problematic, irrational behavior, humans have focused on supernatural causes that include
a. witchcraft.
b. demons and evil spirits.
c. the moon and stars.
*d. all of these are correct
19. Until the modern era, all of these theoretical models have been used to primarily explain our behavior, thinking and emotions EXCEPT
a. psychological
*b. biological
c. supernatural
d. physical
20. Toward the end of the 14th century and continuing into the 15th, the causes of “madness” were generally attributed to
a. toxins in the blood.
b. heredity.
c. brain disease.
*d. demons and witches.
21. Which of the following accurately describes the attitudes of the Catholic Church toward mentally ill people during the turbulent political and religious events of the 14th and 15th centuries?
a. They were considered to be suffering from inherited conditions and were cared for by members of the church communities.
*b. They were seen as possessed by evil spirits and blamed for all misfortunes.
c. They were regarded as basically good individuals who were not responsible for their abnormal behavior.
d. They were provided with medical treatments and sometimes hospitalized because mental illness was regarded as equivalent to physical illness.
22. During the Middle Ages, as well as at other times, mentally ill people were sometimes forced to undergo the religious ritual called exorcism. This was in order to
a. cure the mental illness by making the individual more religious.
b. build up muscle strength and make the person healthier.
*c. rid the individual’s body of evil spirits.
d. prove that the person was not a witch.
23. Symptoms such as despair and lethargy were often identified by the medieval church with the sin of _________.
a. blasphemy or sacrilege.
b. envy or covetousness.
*c. acedia or sloth.
d. gluttony or greed.
24. During the Middle Ages, large-scale outbreaks of large groups of people simultaneously compelled to run out in the streets while engaged in bizarre behavior was known at that time as:
a. a rave.
*b. tarantism.
c. St. Michaels dance.
d. Carnival.
25. According to your textbook, mass hysteria may simply demonstrate the phenomenon of ______________, in which the experience of an emotion spreads to those around us.
*a. emotion contagion
b. viral possession
c. generalized panic disorder
d. mob mentality
26. Sigmund Freud proposed that many physical complaints suffered by young women
a. were a form of divine punishment.
b. reflected stress placed upon them by society.
*c. resulted from the “conversion” of sexual fantasies into socially acceptable outlets.
d. resulted from the rise in feminism.
27. In ancient China, unexplained mental disorders were caused by blockages of
a. bodily fluids like blood and perspiration.
b. the humors of black and yellow bile.
*c. “wind” that needed to flow properly.
d. hysteria caused by extreme changes in body temperature.
28. In the late 19th century, John P. Grey and his colleagues
a. discovered the first cure for schizophrenia
b. ironically reduced interest in treating mental patients
c. changed the field of psychological research largely into a biological science
*d. created the first humane treatment facilities for mentally ill patients
29. DSM-5, an updated version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, was published in



