
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology 8th Edition by V. Mark Durand Test bank

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a. opium
*b. neuroleptics
c. herbal medicine
d. moral therapy
47. In the 1800s, an important research and clinical publication read by psychiatrists in the United States was titled
a. Case Studies in Mental Illness.
b. American Journal of Madness.
*c. American Journal of Insanity.
d. Lunatics in America.
48. With the discovery of the major tranquilizers called ________, it became possible to control psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and aggressiveness.
*a. neuroleptics
b. benzodiazepines
c. bromides
d. opiates
49. Benzodiazepines, or “minor” tranquilizers such as Valium and Librium, are effective in reducing the symptoms of
a. depression.
*b. anxiety.
c. schizophrenia.
d. hysteria.
50. In the late 1800s, the emphasis on a biological cause of mental disorder ironically resulted in reduced interest in treatments for mental patients because it was thought that
a. physicians should devote more time to the physically ill.
b. patients would improve more rapidly if they were not hospitalized.
c. the hospital staff was not adequately trained to administer new treatments.
*d. mental illness due to brain pathology was incurable.
51. In contrast to the asylums of the early 18th century, the psychosocial approach called “moral therapy” advocated all of the following EXCEPT
*a. restraint and seclusion.
b. normal social interaction.
c. individual attention from the hospital staff.
d. careful nurturance.
52. After Philippe Pinel systematically introduced moral therapy as a treatment in mental hospitals in France, a similar type of treatment was first established in a U.S. hospital by
*a. Benjamin Rush.
b. William Tuke.
c. Joseph von Medina.
d. Manfred Sakel.
53. After the mid-1800s, moral therapy declined as a treatment for the mentally ill in the United States because
a. the number of patients in mental institutions also declined.
*b. immigrants caused an increase in the mental hospital population.
c. the number of people available to staff mental hospitals increased.
d. new biologically based treatments became available.
54. You have been asked to give a report on the mental hygiene movement and its foremost crusader, Dorothea Dix, who campaigned for more humane treatment of the insane. After mentioning all of her accomplishments, you note the unforeseen consequence of her efforts, namely,
a. a decrease in the number of mental patients in institutions, forcing many to close.
*b. an increase in the number of mental patients, resulting in insufficient staff to care for them.
c. a change from custodial care to moral therapy for institutionalized patients.
d. more patients receiving psychotherapy and fewer receiving medication.
55. Anton Mesmer, an early 18th century physician, purported to be affecting cures in patients by unblocking their flow of a bodily fluid he called “animal magnetism.” In fact, any effectiveness of his methods was actually due to
a. undetectable magnetic fields.
b. chemically induced humoral balance.
c. mental telepathy.
*d. the power of suggestion.
56. ________ demonstrated that some techniques of mesmerism were effective with several psychological disorders.
a. Philippe Pinel
b. Anton Mesmer
c. Sigmund Freud
*d. Jean-Martin Charcot
57. Which of the following accurately describes the patients of Freud and Breuer after they received treatment in a highly suggestible state of hypnosis for their psychological disorders?
*a. Feelings of relief and improvement
b. Decreased emotionality while in the hypnotic state
c. Accurate posthypnotic recall
d. Increased understanding of the causes of their psychological disorder
58. Realizing that patients were often unaware of material previously recalled under hypnosis, Breuer and Freud hypothesized the existence of ________, a concept considered one of the most important developments in the history of psychopathology.
a. neurosis
*b. the unconscious mind
c. the Electra complex
d. catharsis
59. In using hypnosis to treat patients with psychological disorders, Breuer and Freud discovered
*a. that it is therapeutic to recall and relive emotionally traumatic events.
b. that patients are unable to process emotionally charged information.



