
Excellence in Business Communication 12th Edition by John Thill test bank

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LO:  1.3: Describe the communication process model and the ways social media are changing the nature of business communication.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Difficult
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication
56) All of the following except ________ are characteristics of social media and mobile communication.
A) forcing professionals to develop new skills
B) altering relationships between senders and receivers
C) changing the nature of communication
D) creating countless opportunities but few meaningful challenges
E) managing disruptive technology
Answer:  D
Explanation:  D) The parallels between social media and mobile communication are striking: both sets of technologies change the nature of communication, alter the relationships between senders and receivers, create opportunities as well as challenges, and force business professionals to hone new skills.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world

57) People who've grown up with ________ expect to have immediate access to information and the ability to stay connected to their various social and business networks.
A) multifunctional communication technology
B) desktop communication technology
C) personal communication technology
D) mobile communication technology
E) mass communication technology
Answer:  D
Explanation:  D) People who've grown up with mobile communication technology expect to have immediate access to information and the ability to stay connected to their various social and business networks.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Easy
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world
58) By providing ________, such as facility maps and property information, mobile technology can allow users to experience more of their environment and access information instantly.
A) digital domiciles
B) location-aware content
C) social-media catalogues
D) multimedia relationships
E) embedded links
Answer:  B
Explanation:  B) Users of mobile technology can access location-aware content to enhance their mobile experience.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world

59) Which of the following is a benefit for companies who integrate mobile technology?
A) an increase in employee productivity
B) more distancing in relationships with business partners
C) limited opportunity for competitors to be innovative
D) data security
E) ease of access of information between the company and the consumers
Answer:  A
Explanation:  A) Companies recognize the value of integrating mobile technology, from communication platforms to banking to retail. Mobile apps and communication systems can boost employee productivity, help companies form closer relationships with customers and business partners, and spur innovation in products and services.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Synthesis
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world
60) Globally, roughly ________ percent of Internet users access the web at least some of the time with a mobile device.
A) 40
B) 50
C) 60
D) 70
E) 80
Answer:  E
Explanation:  E) For millions of people around the world, a mobile device is their primary way, if not their only way, to access the Internet. Globally, roughly 80 percent of Internet users access the web at least some of the time with a mobile device.
LO:  1.4: Outline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.
AACSB:  Information technology
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Application
Learning Outcome:  Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world

61) For a majority of smartphone users, ________ is the primary use of the smartphone technology.



