
Excellence in Business Communication 12th Edition by John Thill test bank

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LO:  1.3: Describe the communication process model and the ways social media are changing the nature of business communication.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Difficult
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication
44) As a contemporary approach to business communication, the ________ is interactive, conversational, and usually open to all who wish to participate.
A) reflexive communication model
B) computer-assisted communication model
C) social communication model
D) give-and-take communication model
E) downward communication model
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) The social communication model of business communication is interactive, conversational, and usually open to all who which to participate.
LO:  1.3: Describe the communication process model and the ways social media are changing the nature of business communication.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication

45) ________ is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers.
A) Reflection
B) Projection
C) Communication
D) Illumination
E) Conjecture
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers.
LO:  1.3: Describe the communication process model and the ways social media are changing the nature of business communication.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Easy
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication
46) When a sender puts an idea into a message, the sender is ________ the idea.
A) transmitting
B) encoding
C) developing
D) decoding
E) shaping
Answer:  B
Explanation:  B) Encoding can involve any kind of written, spoken, or physical code. Encoding can involve such things as putting a message into words, conveying the message as a facial expression, writing the message, or translating the message into a computer language.
LO:  1.3: Describe the communication process model and the ways social media are changing the nature of business communication.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication

47) In the communication process, ________ describes the step in which the audience extracts the idea from a message.
A) extracting
B) encoding
C) translating
D) decoding
E) transmitting
Answer:  D
Explanation:  D) Decoding is the act of interpreting the message, of changing it from a set of symbols to a form that the human brain can understand.
LO:  1.3: Describe the communication process model and the ways social media are changing the nature of business communication.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication
48) If an incoming message doesn't fit into a person's view of reality, then he or she may use ________ to distort or ignore that information.
A) myopic introspection
B) cognitive reconstruction
C) selective perception
D) creative interpretation
E) cognitive interpretation
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) People sometimes hear only what they want to hear; this is a form of selective perception. When a supervisor tells a worker that he is very creative but too sloppy, the worker is engaging in selective perception if he hears the "creative" part of the message, but not the "sloppy" part.
LO:  1.3: Describe the communication process model and the ways social media are changing the nature of business communication.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication

49) In what way has the social communication model enabled a new approach to business communication?
Answer:  The social communication model is interactive, conversational, and usually open to all who wish to participate. Audience members are no longer passive recipients of messages but active participants in a conversation. Social media have given customers and other stakeholders a voice they did not have in the past, and businesses are listening to that voice. In fact, one of the most common uses of social media among U.S. businesses is monitoring online discussions about a company and its brands.



