
Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind 4th edition by John T. Cacioppo Test bank

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 b. Gestalt psychology
 c. structuralism
 d. functionalism
13. You conduct a study on taste perception. Which of the following results would present a challenge to a structuralism approach to psychology?
 a. A food tastes the same no matter what context it is eaten in.
 b. A food tastes sweeter after eating salty food, and saltier after eating sweet food.
 c. Taste perception is shown to have an evolutionary role.
 d. Taste perception is shown to result from the combination of many individual taste sensations.
14. How would a psychologist using the structuralism approach MOST likely study memory?
 a. by identifying the survival benefits of memory
 b. by testing whether memory for some stimulus was the same in different situations
 c. by trying to identify the smaller mental processes that make up "remembering" a stimulus
 d. by testing individuals with memory problems
15.  If a psychologist believes that the "whole" of perception matters more than the parts, they are a
 a. structuralist.
 b. physiological psychologist.
 c. Gestalt psychologist.
 d. cognitive psychologist.
16. The approach to psychology that focuses on the purpose of behavior is known as
 a. functionalism.
 b. structuralism.
 c. cognitive psychology.
 d. Gestalt psychology.
17. You read about an early 20th-century psychologist who studied why visual illusions occur, and what purpose they serve in survival. This psychologist was most likely a
 a. structuralist.
 b. functionalist.
 c. humanistic psychologist.
 d. Gestalt psychologist.
18. Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between structuralism and functionalism approaches to psychology?
 a. Structuralism focuses on the "how" of behavior, and functionalism focuses more on the "why" of behavior.
 b. Structuralism is focused on how the whole mind works in unison, whereas functionalism breaks down the mind into smaller components.
 c. Structuralism largely replaced functionalism as psychology progressed as a science.
 d. Functionalist approaches largely ignore evolutionary constraints, whereas structuralist approaches factor in evolution.
19. Functionalism is an important piece to understanding the history of psychology because
 a. all contemporary psychologists are functionalists at heart.
 b. opposition to functionalism led to the development of structuralism.
 c. opposition to functionalism led to the development of Gestalt psychology
 d. functionalism was the first school of psychology.
20. A researcher who believes differences in brain structure cause mental disorders is following which model of abnormal psychology?
 a. supernatural model
 b. medical model
 c. psychological model
 d. Gestalt model
21. What are the two dominant models by which modern psychologists view psychological disorders?
 a. medical model and psychological model
 b. psychological model and supernatural model
 c. psychological model and structural model
 d. structural model and functional model
22. How would a psychologist who follows the psychological model be most likely to explain the development of an anxiety disorder?
 a. Anxiety disorders develop due to heredity.
 b. Anxiety disorders develop due to differences in brain structure.
 c. Anxiety disorders develop due to life experiences such as abuse.
 d. Anxiety disorders develop secondary to other disorders.
23. Some psychological disorder has a heritability of 0.5. It is also more common in people who experience abuse or malnutrition as children. What do these two findings imply about the medical and psychological models of psychological disorder?
 a. that neither model is entirely correct
 b. that the medical model is correct, and the psychological model is incorrect



