
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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             b.    the presence of real or imagined others
             c.     other living things
             d.    perceptions of the social world
             Answer: B
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 2
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Factual
4.       Which of the following is an example of social influence?
             a.     You feel guilty because you lied to your trusting professor about your assignment.
             b.    When you get hungry, you have trouble concentrating.
             c.     You didn’t do well on the test because you stayed up all night cramming.
             d.    You almost fall asleep at the wheel, so you pull off the road to take a short nap.
             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  2
             Page(s) in Text: 2
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Application
5.      Aya is eight months old, and her mother pretends her baby food is a train in order to convince her to eat it. Aya’s mother is using a rather creative form of
             a.     social influence.
             b.    explicit values.
             c.     social cognition.
             d.    implicit values.
             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 2
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Application
6.       Which of the following is an example of a direct persuasion attempt?
             a.     A bully threatens Billy and steals his lunch money.
             b.    Ramona works hard in school to make her mother proud.
             c.     Marianne thinks of her ex-boyfriend and becomes sad.
             d.    Jason moves from New York to Atlanta and picks up a Southern accent.
             Answer: A
             Difficulty:  3
             Page(s) in Text: 2
             Topic:  What Is Social Psychology?
             Skill: Application
7.       Not all social influence is direct or deliberate. Which of the following is the best example of more indirect or subtle social influence?
             a.     An advertising campaign is launched to promote a new soft drink.
             b.    A senatorial candidate delivers a speech to convince voters that she is not really liberal.



