
business Research Methods 12th Edition by Donald R. Cooper Test bank

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B. Make competent decisions on whether to make or 'buy' research from researchers outside the firm.
C. Define their own needs and form researchable questions for the specialist.
D. Judge the logic of a research approach.
E. All are good reasons.
27.Which of the following types of research is conducted to evaluate specific courses of action or forecast current or future values? 

A. Reporting studies
B. Explanation studies
C. Description studies
D. Prediction studies
E. Observation studies
28.Which of the following is NOT an example of research? 

A. An experiment in product taste preferences.
B. A statistical analysis of errors in the recording of inventories.
C. A test of cognitive dissonance theory and major investment decisions.
D. A simulation of the information flows in an organization.
E. A decision to change the firm's method of accounting.
29.Applied research: 

A. Has little direct impact on policy decisions.
B. Is problem directed but not decision directed.
C. Is problem directed and closely related to policy or action needs.
D. Calls for a hypothesis to initiate the research.
E. Is usually conducted in the laboratory.
30.Data was analyzed and it showed that: a salesperson's performance is directly and positively related to the salesperson's level of education. This is an example of what type of research? 

A. Descriptive
B. Reporting
C. Predictive
D. Explanatory
E. Experimental
31.A predictive study showed that a company would gain a 10% market share if it reduced its product price by $5. The study assumed competitors would keep the prices of their products unchanged. 

A. This study can be used in all situations.
B. The company should reduce its product price by $5.
C. As the company cannot control the price decisions of its competitors so the study is not very useful.
D. A new study focusing on a smaller number of variables is required.
E. Market fluctuations make this study important for prediction.
32.An estimate of next year's market share is an example of what type of research? 

A. Descriptive
B. Reporting
C. Predictive
D. Explanatory
E. Longitudinal
33.Which of the following is pure research rather than applied research? 

A. Sleep duration, as impacting work efficiency.
B. Disruption of cognitive ability under stress.
C. The relationship between leadership traits and corporate success.
D. Work towards the discovery of a possible new element.
E. Comparing brand logos after a change.
34.Research methods courses recognize that students preparing to manage any function need training in a disciplined process for conducting an inquiry of a management dilemma. Which of the following is NOT a reason for such training? 

A. More government intervention.
B. Information overload.
C. Greater computing power and speed.
D. More government cooperation through information sharing.
E. Shifting global centers of economic activity and competition.
35.A business intelligence system (BIS) in conjunction with business research often has the task of: 

A. Create an platform for surveillance of corporate competitors.
B. Discovering opportunities that influence strategic decisions.
C. Generate numerous elements of data organized for retrieval.
D. Relying heavily on those methodologies that proved themselves in the last several decades of the 20th century—surveys and focus groups.
E. None of the above.
36.In the early part of your career, you will likely be asked to perform a number of reporting studies. Many managers consider the execution of such studies: 

A. An excellent way for new employees to become familiar with their employer and its industry.



