
business Research Methods 12th Edition by Donald R. Cooper Test bank

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CH01 Key
1.Which of the following is an example of a business decision maker? 

A. Politician's election consultant
B. Church pastor
C. Manager of a non-profit program
D. Business manager of a consumer goods product
E. All of the above
Cooper - Chapter 01 #1
Level: Moderate
2.The acronym, RFP, stands for _____ and refers to the document used to invite research firms to propose ideas for addressing the research needs of the organization. 

A. request for proposal
B. recency frequency population
C. research firm proposal
D. recognition of problem
E. recently formed protocols
Cooper - Chapter 01 #2
Level: Easy
3.The problem or opportunity that requires a business decision on the part of the decision maker is called a _____. 

A. management dilemma
B. research problem
C. challenge
D. measurement approach
E. return on business investment
Cooper - Chapter 01 #3
Level: Easy

Full download link: https://gethighmark.com/test-bank-for-business-research-methods-12th-edition-by-donald-r-cooper.shtml
4.Northwest Airlines applied mathematical models to determine which customers in its database were currently responsible for most of its profitability and which customers were not currently profitable but had similar characteristics to the most profitable customers. Northwest Airlines utilized _____ to identify these customers. 

A. computer programming
B. data warehousing
C. customer relationships management
D. data mining
E. intervention
Cooper - Chapter 01 #4
Level: Moderate
5.The main purpose of a(n) _____ is to share company information and computing resources among internal audiences. 

A. decision support system
B. intranet
C. extranet
D. internet
E. data warehouse
Cooper - Chapter 01 #5
Level: Easy
6.A private network that uses Internet protocols and the public telecommunication system to share an organization's information, data, or operations with its external suppliers, vendors, or customers is called a(n) _____. 

A. decision support system
B. intranet
C. extranet
D. internet
E. data warehouse
Cooper - Chapter 01 #6
Level: Easy
7.The question, "Should we do business research?" is often stimulated by data from a(n) _____. 

A. data warehouse
B. intelligence system
C. decision support system
D. intranet
E. both b and c
Cooper - Chapter 01 #7
Level: Moderate
8.Which of the following is NOT a possible source of business intelligence? 

A. Competitor web sites
B. Government reports
C. Business research reports
D. Clipping services
E. All of the above are possible sources
Cooper - Chapter 01 #8
Level: Moderate
9.Recordings of public proceedings, speeches by elected officials, and information on agency web sites are all examples of business intelligence available from _____ sources. 

A. competitive
B. cultural
C. government
D. demographic
E. technological
Cooper - Chapter 01 #9
Level: Moderate
10.Intuitive decision makers tend to base business decisions on _____. 

A. business research
B. secondary data
C. primary data
D. proprietary research



